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Old 04-17-2023, 12:13 PM   #7
Desuboi941   Desuboi941 is offline
Join Date: Apr 2023
Posts: 32
Originally Posted by Bill Hilly View Post
The 46, or 47 recommendation is in the same ballpark as a 45 rear. Dan said that he would recommend not going to a lower tooth count rear than a 45 with a 17 front. More teeth on a rear sprocket gears it lower, more on the front gears it higher, but at a lot faster rate. Say that if one tooth difference on the rear equals 2%, then one tooth on the front would equal around 6% difference.
Thank you so much… I only have one more thing to ask. It may be stupid but higher? Lower? That’s really my main question idrk what the difference is… is it just longer in the gears or does it make top speed higher… I get that you’re losing torque for top speed or vice versa. I’m basically asking why would the 17/46-47 benefit us specifically over the 45?

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