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Old 04-17-2023, 01:37 PM   #18
Bill Hilly   Bill Hilly is offline
Join Date: Feb 2021
Posts: 948
Originally Posted by Desuboi941 View Post
Thank you so much… I only have one more thing to ask. It may be stupid but higher? Lower? That’s really my main question idrk what the difference is… is it just longer in the gears or does it make top speed higher… I get that you’re losing torque for top speed or vice versa. I’m basically asking why would the 17/46-47 benefit us specifically over the 45?
Yeah, Like Dan said ,. Like in a car, 1st gear is often called low. On a car a 4.50 to 1 rear end is geared way lower than a 3.50 to 1, because it means that the driveshaft has to turn four and a half times to turn the wheel once. On a motorcycle the total you get by dividing the number of teeth on the rear sprocket by the number on the front is how many times the front sprocket must turn to turn the rear wheel once. A 46, or 47 was only a number I threw out there, because I am running a 46/17 on my Hawk, and it's just about as Dan describes the 45/17 gearing. It's basically 2% "lower", which would only be the difference ( in theory) of one bike topping out at 100 mph, and one at 98mph, or in more realistic terms one bike running 70 at 8,000 rpm, and one running between 68,and 69.

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