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Old 09-11-2023, 08:09 PM   #8
Bill Hilly   Bill Hilly is online now
Join Date: Feb 2021
Posts: 948
Originally Posted by GypsyR View Post
I saw this thread and thought, "Nah, I don't need any of that stuff." Then I actually looked at BillHilly's link and am now 50 bucks poorer. Even in the pictures I get the idea this stuff is fairly light duty. But it's cheap and I can't imagine it wouldn't serve me all right. I bought my Templar in March and STILL have yet to take it on any real trails. Can't wear out what you don't use. But I am going. Sometime. I swear!
When we were kids, we wrecked out bikes on the farm pretty often, and never really got hurt, but after what happened to me, it woke me up. I am not one to go to the doctor, but I probably should have. I have been doctoring myself up at home. The jeans offer nearly no protection. I will be wearing protective clothing from here on out. I will also run slower in gravel, especially the fresh deep stuff. I had just built up too much confidence, and was going too fast to properly control the bike ,once an unforseen circumstance came up. I remember just before the accident, looking at my speedO, and was running over 30 mph. I don't know exactly how fast I was going when I laid it down, but I figure I was still going close to that speed, because with the gravel being all the color, it was nearly impossible to see the trouble ahead, especially when you are going 30 mph, which doesn't sound fast, but it's too fast in that kind of gravel to dependability, and safely control a bike, if an unforseen condition occurs.

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