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Old 09-11-2023, 08:29 PM   #7
Megadan   Megadan is offline
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Originally Posted by flopsweat View Post
I'm incredibly curious myself to know how they actually hold up after a crash as well, after all that other stuff it's really the only thing that matters. My next pair of pants will for sure be something of higher quality.

Some of the armor, like others said, fit quite loose in the pocket, so I used the old cheap foam ones they come with to make a sort of frame for each good armor piece to sit on, and duct taped them together to keep them from shifting around too much.

Always been curious about the motocross hard-shell armor, just not sure how to implement it with the other gear. Would it replace other CE2 armor, or supplement it? Like if you had that chest/shoulder piece, is that good enough quality to take out your back and shoulder pads in the jacket to make it lighter and easier to store?
The knee armor is tricky as the position of it has to change to work with the leg as it bends into a riding position. Even if you secure the knee armor in place well, it will always be out of place when you straighten your leg. The natural reaction of a person flying through the air or being spilled on the ground rolling is to keep your legs bent, so for most scenarious it works out well.

I wouldn't personally replace any CE armor with hard armor, especially not level 2 armor. That said, there is probably a good compromise to be made for real dual sport riding since the mesh is great for protecting against road rash, but not so great at protecting you from rocks and trees. Vice versa for the hard armor, which helps you bounce off boulders and logs when you mess up - and provides protection against impalement.
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