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Old 04-25-2024, 12:38 PM   #8
Weresquatch   Weresquatch is offline
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Posts: 100
Good news is no problem going home so....deus ex machina? Anyway, my X was purchased to be 80/20 but with the bias being off-road. I only want to travel on tarmac to get to dirt.

I appreciate the inputs on mileage. I'll just hit filling stations at 80 miles on the triometer and look at gas storage solutions for an extra gallon or so.

Right now my X is pushing 55mph at 7k. I'd like that number to be more like 62-65mph at 7k. What rear sprocket reductions do y'all recommend? I'm thinking 42t? I want to maintain as much off-road torque as I can but still not tax the motor too much on hwy sprints to trailheads especially when loaded down with some gear.

Thanks in advance.
Templar X 250
Vespa GTS 300
Vespa ET4 150
Triumph Legend TT 900

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