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Old 05-15-2024, 09:52 PM   #96
ProDigit   ProDigit is online now
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Posts: 280
Originally Posted by Dusman View Post
Thanks! I’ve got enough old carbs laying around that are in good shape, everything from PZ27s to VM22s to choose from. I definitely don’t need to buy one. I would like to try to see if I can source jets for this OEM YouAll PZ27 though just in case someone else on here would like to try to re-jet the OEM carb. Thanks for the input; it’s much appreciated!

I have rejetted the OEM PZ carburetor, they use jets for an OKO, CVK carburetor. The pz carburetor from Amazon is nearly identical to the OEM one, with the exception of there not being a restriction on the removing of the float bowl bolts, or AF screw.

The OEM carburetor in my case had a 40 pilot jet, while the Amazon PZ27 has a 35. The OEM has silver colored jets with no data on it, the Amazon one has jet sizes printed on it.

The OEM one doesn't have an adjustable AF screw (no tip on the screw, so it's presumed to be closed all the time), while the Amazon one has a tip on the AF screw allowing it to adjust the fuel flow.
On the OEM one it just dumps fuel as soon as the screw is opened, and causes high idle.

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