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Old 05-19-2024, 09:57 PM   #27
ProDigit   ProDigit is offline
Join Date: Aug 2013
Posts: 279
Thanks. According to my math, I really needed to increase 1.5 tooth on the rear to 31.5 tooth. 31t would still give me not enough power to overcome the first 6k rpm with the 19t front. Additionally, the higher weight oil ill be using, will also somewhat slow the bike down, so 2t is really the closest to the ideal ratio I could think of.

On the other hand, an 18T might actually work better with the 30t, as the 19t up front is one millimeter away from the gearing wires.
And would translate to 30/18*19=31.667t, which is indeed closer to the desired 1.5t difference needed.

It's cheaper as well than a rear sprocket.
I might try this, thanks for the suggestion!

At 19/30t, going down 1t up front, results in +1.6t on the rear.

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