Thread: Our New Boss!
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Old 11-07-2008, 06:07 AM   #3
TeamCheap   TeamCheap is offline
Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: directly under the earths sun............NOW
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As much as I distrust president elect obama we will just have to work to get thru it all but it is going to be a long haul.

Right now in michigan and in the city I live my house value has fallen way lower than I could even think of selling my home for and it IS NOT even mortgaged to the max so in short we are stuck here until the housing market spins around.

My 401K has lost money and that will hopefully rebound but since it is retirement and that is a long way off for me I should be OK.

Jobs around here are scarce and the pay is flat and in fact we havnt had a contract for almost 4 years now (yeah that means a pay freeze) but I'm hoping that is coming soon since they just changed our insurance and with a new contract my hope is it will bring a retro pay check with it.
(retro pay would = a new bike for me :wink: )

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