Thread: Bashan BS300
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Old 08-12-2006, 10:25 AM   #7
dlunt   dlunt is offline
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Hey man have you been in the ludes!
Cut the BS!

Actually it is quite different than a GY-5. Frame, fork and swingarm angles. Exhaust routing. Really cool large dual front disks. Rearset foot controls and pasenger pegs.
But the big question is, is the engine really a 300cc based on the name of the bike. And that may be what you were pointing out. It is hard to tell if it is really different.

The bike that is a redressed GY-5 was sitting right next to a GY-5 when I bought mine.
It is the LF200.
They really are close to the same thing.

Anybody else notice that American Lifan has redesigned their site?

(BTW - I love the Spicoli quote in your footer )

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