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Old 04-03-2009, 11:41 AM   #9
SeerAtlas   SeerAtlas is offline
Join Date: Apr 2009
Posts: 770
Hooper vs. American Lifan

What's missing in this story is that one of the major players in Lifan china has a relative who is the principal in American Lifan.....soooo, we have an insider family squeeze play going on here trying to usurp all the branding, promotion, and marketing that Larry has done for the name "Lifan" for the past seven years, effectively *stealing* the monetary value of that *good will* and transferring same to this fellow's relative.

Personally, on that set of facts, not to mention the damage that the issue is doing to Lifan in general, I think Larry wins, and Lifan looses in more ways than one. Someone once said that "business is war without guns, and in SOME businesses, WITH guns

In general, the chinese seem to have problems with the concepts of trademarks, copyright, and intellectual property but this time, they're not in a chinese court, they're in an american court....and as for collecting any damages that might be awarded to Larry, he could have a US Marshall seize the inventory of American Lifan should he win.....

My guess is that this will settle assuming someone on the Lifan side is still mentally sound.


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