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Old 10-09-2009, 02:21 PM   #6
PCD   PCD is offline
Join Date: Oct 2009
Location: Newmarket On Canada
Posts: 382
Originally Posted by Weldangrind
Are you saying that other members have shared their tales of woe, and that has helped you?

I can't wait to hear about your first ride report; you're doing this the right way.
Well, I was trying to be a tad more diplomatic than that...but yeah 8O

I will happily post details of my first ride but I suspect it may bore you folks to will be 2 hours of varied throttle position around the yard...

I'm of two minds about proper break-in...some people say most modern engines are pretty much broken in within the first 5 minutes and they go balls to the wall right away with no Ill effects.

Others follow the procedure to the letter. I think on this engine I will dump the oil instantly (Brake fluid as well) and sacrafice a litre of Honda 4 stroke oil for about 30 minutes of operation, dump it, use another litre and run a tank of gas thru it, dump it, refill, and call it a day, but that wont be til the end of this weekend at the earliest.

I also like to give it a few seconds of WOT just to let the crank, rod, and bearings know whats coming . Sometimes you can baby an enggine too much. Like the proverbial "little old lady" who only drove the car to church on Sunday....first time the car gets floored the bearings and rods go "WTF???? never seen this rpm before...BANG".

YAY...Performance parts are here!!!! Will get some pics for my next post....hey, winch looks OK...not bad at all....OOOHHH CDI is gold anodized instead of blue, I can deal .


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