Thread: 5000 km update
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Old 10-29-2009, 06:52 PM   #1
linuxmann   linuxmann is offline
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Milwaukee, WI
Posts: 69
5000 km update

I was cruising down the interstate today on my way home from work and noticed I just hit the 5000km mark on the odometer. As I was screaming down I94 at 70mph, throttle pinned wide open, it really hit me how absolutely amazing my bike is! Just wanted to share my very positive story of how a little china bike has really helped my out.

I moved to a new city (Milwaukee) about 8 months ago. I had gone through a rough break-up with my long time girlfriend and was laid off from my job around the same time. I packed all of my belongings in my car and headed for Milwaukee. A good friend of mine had a place for me to sleep and some potential jobs to check out, so I hit the road and didn't look back. I was in need of a fresh start. Shortly after I arrived in Milwaukee my car took a crap. It wasn't worth fixing so I sold it off to the first bidder for $300. My goal was to scrape together all the money I had and along with the $300 I would buy a beater car to get around.

Then I stumbled across my china bike on craigslist. I made a bold move and bought the bike instead of a car, since I could ride the bike right up until the first snowfall. It took a lot of tinkering, adjusting, ebay ordering, and some smashed knuckles, but I got the little 200cc up and running like new. I gave it a fresh paint job to make it my own and have never looked back. I take it down the interstate at 70mph, run it around town, and have even taken some adventure trips on it. Pouring rain or warm and sunny, I gear up and ride. And it never disagrees. I just hit the start button and go. It is my only transportation right now and it has never failed me!

A lot of the work I put into it was with the backing of all of you on here! Thanks!

I've landed a full time job and an apartment. I have saved up enough to buy a car for winter. It has all worked out and I couldn't have done it without my little chinese enduro. Just goes to show you that these bikes are very capable, and in my case, very dependable. $400 for the bike, about $100 in parts, and the rest was just my time in the garage.

China bikes officially rock!! I love telling people how it's such a great little bike that only cost $400. They can't believe it, especially if they take it for a spin. Nothing but smiles when they return. For a lot of people it reminds them of the old days when bikes were simple and basic.

I have a real hard time listening to anyone who bashes chinese motorcycles. They may not be for everyone, but they are very respectable machines!!

Thanks for letting me ramble!!

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