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Old 03-23-2007, 12:54 AM   #7
SamM   SamM is offline
Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: West Virginia
Posts: 1,194
Good luck on your purchase and keep in mind that it's not a LIFAN, why don't you follow Pumpkins lead and get what he got, as I think he is satisfied with it?
I like the fact your going with a B&M dealer but if price is your main concern and your going to go off another beginner riders advice(No offense Pauli) Then I would have someone else build and loc-tite it for you... Again, not tyring to be an a$$ but if pumpkin has and likes his bike, ??????????
Building the bike and loctiting it is well within my scope of abilities! I'm not a beginner, as I have been riding since I was 7 years old! I don't work as a motorcycle tech but I'm certified as one. I've already rebuilt a couple of Buells. One from the frame up. The other was a Stage 3 Buell S1W that made 115rwhp. These Chinese bikes are not as complicated as a quad cam Sportster/Buell and I've done numerous high-performance topends.

Really, I just want a cheap bike to mess with and have for visiting family members. Frankly, I don't see much of difference between the authorized dealer bikes and the ebay bikes. They both seem to have the same problems. If I had to completely disassemble the bike and completely rebuild it, I could. My plan is to get what I want. If they can't deliver the color I want then, I won't buy it. Even if I had to completely rebuild a china bike, I wouldn't care! I'd probably start from the frame up and rip half of the crap off it. from what I see, most of the wiring could be trashed. I don't need beeping turnsignals, gear indicators or gauges that don't read correctly. I'd go digital. Cheap and easy!

I have a really cool set of tools!

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