Thread: BC Politics?
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Old 01-28-2010, 12:36 PM   #15
kens   kens is offline
Join Date: Sep 2008
Location: Golden BC
Posts: 123
I am one who tryes not to talk about politics but I will today..

The Liberals could have been voted out in the last election.The problem is that only 50% of the voting pop voted!!!!!!

So we are partly our own problem.The Lib's will give out taxs breaks to the rich and free money to the low income prior to each election to win.Remeber the big line the year they won......We will get rid of photo radar!!!!! WTF They had a land slide election because the other 50% that never votes went and voted for something so stupid.Granted I done care for the idea of photoradar much, we need to do something to slow cars down in BC that actualy scares driver to slow down.

Next election we need to "vote with a bullet" and we need a leader that get us off our lazy asses to do it.

Worst of all is that Cambell does not care if he's done after the olympics because the damage is done and he looks good for ever, leaving the next party to deal with the after mess.

Ok enough of my rant..thanks for reading

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