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Old 07-12-2010, 12:52 AM   #108
puush   puush is offline
Join Date: Oct 2008
Location: Northern California
Posts: 123

Haven't updated in awhile. I got the engine replaced in my bike because the mechanics I used said there was zero compression on engine. they figure something got in the engine when I was mud boggin in the winter. The Air filter was filled with mud water and gunk.

The engine cost only $500 and labor was only $400. I had to travel 200 miles away to find a mechanic that would work on a China bike. And funny enough these mechanics where custom chopper dudes. Go figure. They did an excellent job and my bike works great. Started up after being in storage for 6 months. I took it out in rough mountains in Northern California and it did great. Lost my rear disc brake...but that on another post.

I guess the lesson is clean your bike well after rainy mud riding. And dont let water and mud get in your air cleaner area.

Michael A
Michael, IT Dude
From the Great Land of Lake County

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