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Old 01-20-2011, 03:31 PM   #11
jape   jape is offline
Join Date: Dec 2008
Location: central vic australia
Posts: 113
Yeah, there's plenty of Aussies and UK folk got something stashed away, 'just in case'. Over in Aus we can't even carry a 3" bladed pocket knife. That is something I've done since I was ten and it isn't going to change.

I'm not sure the carbon footprint is a myth mate, but I reckon for every foreign non-combatant being killed daily you probably save enough carbon and methane to allow a itty bitty chinese engine like this in. Maybe your Prez will get some sense into the Chines Prez in their talks today? From the body language though I wouldn't hopefor much. You seem to be breeding a particularly weak bunch of politicians (both sides) to follow the evil snakes and fools you had last time. You sorely need another revolution I reckon.

Back on topic, if this engine is just another bored-out copy of something japanese, is it going to perform that well? I would like to see a smooth, solid, 250 - 350 cc engine at a reasonable price from ANYWHERE, even Detroit if it has any factories left.

Didn't Harley have a 400cc engine dirt bike once? Was it crap? How come no chinese factories copied that?

I think 250cc is the lowest power-to-weight ratio usually to get a lasting engine that can carry a decent sized bloke on two wheels, cruise economically at 60 mph plus and yet perform when needed for safety or in the dirt. hence interested in this engine but if the original poster is just going to point us at pictures he isn't going to get any real interest and get imports going to impress his bosses.

Doesn't seem to realise that human nature is like this: you create an interest amongst those willing to try and to experiment, then you back your mouth up and offer the damn things with some specifications and back up not just a bloody picture, then you nurture the idea, it catches on because it has some value (for reasons stated above) and you become rich with your brother-in-law/nephew importing them. Etc etc.

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