I would contact Yahoo! Stores. It states that viva-motors uses them. Perhaps they can help a little bit.
I couldn't figure out where their store is located, but if it is in California (or any state for that matter) contact the Better Business Bureau. I say California because they are somewhat strict, especially when it comes to fraud, or misleading dealers. That is why you won't find too many questionable sales companies in California. I am not saying that you won't find any, but the state has hit hard in the past, and companies with questionable practices would rather deal with less harsh states, such as Florida (unless they started cracking down, too).
Keep bugging them, too. Give them a bad mark on Ebay if they sell there. If they are out of California, what city are they in?
"They say that life's a carousel, spinning fast you got to ride it well..."
TGB Delivery Scooter 150
TMEC 200 Enduro--carcass is sadly rotting in the backyard