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Old 07-03-2010, 09:14 AM   #47
Oengus   Oengus is offline
Join Date: Oct 2009
Posts: 826
The manufacture claims Max Speed(km/h): 100 that’s 62mph on the 200cc configuration.
They also claim Max Speed(km/h): 90 and that’s 56 mph on the 125cc configuration.

I can understand why the 125cc is the engine of choice in most markets, its actually proportionately better. I’ve been told that the 200 is a bored out 125? If that’s the case then the 125 would be more durable and less prone to over heating. Boring out decreases the cylinder walls thickness and that related to dispersion of heat.

The 125 produces 8.5 kw
The 200 produces 11.5kw

An increase of 37% in displacement resulted in 26% more power, however it loss 11% in power per milliliter. Power produced divided across each milliliter….
0.068 (8.5/125cc) to 0.057(11.5/200) the 125 produces more power per milliliter.

Its interesting as the displacement increased so did the power output, however it has an interesting correlation as to a diminishing return. As it grew 11% it loss 11% in the output per milliliter.

Is that just a coincidence? Or is that typical?

I expect the engine to produce more power as its bored out but wonder is it typical to loose power proportionality per units displaced? It grew in 11% in units displaced but loss power production per unit as it did and oddly at the same rate it grew overall?

Is bigger better….actually yes and no…depend on how you look at it. Is the 125cc more efficient and maybe more durable? Yes maybe….but it won’t move your arse as fast in the end. Am I acting the magot?

LOL time to ride….

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