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PastorCzo 04-05-2021 06:12 PM

My first bike was an SG250 last year, the best advice I can give you is leave it alone! Leave it as stock and ride it and enjoy it. To much fiddling with it and you will inevitably break something trust me.

LEWAYHUN 03-30-2022 12:46 AM

Using the larger #115 Main Jet v the smaller #112 Main Jet
If we use a K&N Filter or swap out for a Pod Filter, will the larger #115 Main Jet be OK or will we still need to stick w/ the smaller #112 Main Jet despite the increase in airflow?


Originally Posted by Deckard_Cain (Post 355316)
Putting proper jets in so that it runs properly isn't really a modification though; it's tuning it as it is. Same with a new air filter or spark plug...

You make all good points, I don't generally disagree.

CSC techs a fair bit better than those $9/hr tire jockeys. lol. But yeah, you're right about how forums are; I think in this case, we all veered that direction though because he did say it was his first bike.

One could extrapolate that it being his first bike, and even asking the question implies he doesn't have a ton of mechanical experience that can be applied here, if he did, likely he would already know the answers to his questions.

Which is why I at least, went the way I did with my reply.

grumpyunk 03-30-2022 06:56 AM

In theory, the K&N and the pod are less restrictive to airflow. That is good and it is bad. Good for more power, more fuel usage per mile, but bad in that they reduce restriction by being less effective filters. They will pass more particulates. The problem of over or under-oiling the media is also very common. Too much and you restrict airflow, too little and you let too much dirt into the engine. Question becomes is it worth the aggravation and possible damage from dirt particles? Your choice.
The increase in airflow may require a larger jet. It depends on your location and altitude you ride at. You may want to do your thing with the filter of choice, and install a new spark plug at the same time. Ride for a bit, doing normal things, and then pull the plug and examine it for color and deposits. A lean engine will generally leave the plug very clean. A normal will leave slight deposits, likely tan in color. An over rich engine will leave black sooty deposits.

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