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cheesy 04-04-2018 03:45 PM

Looking good. Is that a pigsicle being consumed?

Sport Rider 04-05-2018 11:33 AM


Originally Posted by cheesy (Post 276466)
Looking good. Is that a pigsicle being consumed?

No....BBQ chicken leg. we were out riding and happened to see a stand beside the road. :D

cheesy 04-05-2018 06:22 PM

As long as it was BBQ, then.

Cone replacement showed up today, too bad I'm in NOLA. But I have an early flight out tomorrow, so who knows.

cheesy 04-09-2018 10:01 PM

Ever have one of those jobs that things just seem to fall together...up to a point, then it falls in the toilet. That's the FD of the Ural.

Got everything done up to, and including, the setting of the gear lash. Man, it was perfect. Next step required separating the halves and installing the forty odd needle bearings on the driven hub. Then reassembling and buttoning up. Yeah, right. After getting all the needle bearings installed, I went to put the cone on the case and all the freaking guts fell out of the cone. Driven hub, ring gear, super duper humungo driven hub bearing, and all them stupid needle bearings.

Getting it back together caused me all kinds of grief, so I threw up my hands and said next weekend.

Weldangrind 04-10-2018 10:17 AM

You seriously have to install the needle bearings by hand? I thought they would be caged. I'm surprised that something would be that labour-intensive from a manufacturing perspective. Is it possible to switch to caged needle bearings?

cheesy 04-10-2018 05:41 PM


Originally Posted by Weldangrind (Post 276983)
You seriously have to install the needle bearings by hand? I thought they would be caged. I'm surprised that something would be that labour-intensive from a manufacturing perspective. Is it possible to switch to caged needle bearings?

Yup. They are located on the center of the driven hub. One end of the hub is toothed for the rear wheel and the other end has the ring gear bolted to it.

Item 30 is the driven hub and 29 is the needle bearing. One of the bolts, item 41, went south and ruined item 42. There's a lot of parts in this booger.

Trying to decide if I should stay home and wrap it up this weekend or go visit my Dad for a couple of days. I think Dad may win this round.

Sport Rider 04-11-2018 10:04 AM

you know, between those crazy machines at your shop in SC and this Ural, I'm beginning to think you're just a glutton for punishment. :lmao::lmao::lmao:

cheesy 04-11-2018 08:29 PM

It's getting pretty obvious, isn't it. I also rebuild Sturmey Archer three speed bicycle hubs for fun.

BlackBike 04-12-2018 01:22 AM


cheesy 04-13-2018 09:02 PM


Originally Posted by cheesy (Post 277027)
Trying to decide if I should stay home and wrap it up this weekend or go visit my Dad for a couple of days. I think Dad may win this round.

Mother Nature, that crabby old biddy, made my decision for me. Dad's looking at 12 to 18 inches of snow over the weekend and told me not to bother. Thought about going up next weekend, but that's when Dad is going to DC on a US Veterans Honor Flight. Couple more weeks.

With us getting the wet and windy southern edge of this storm, if the house doesn't blow down, I should wrap this up.

cheesy 04-15-2018 07:35 PM

Finally, finally, finally, got the FD back together. The gear lash is dead on and it spins oh so nice. Should have had it back on the bike, too, but I did one of those old people things and decided to swap out the u-joint while I had the FD on the ground. Idiot.

I thought the front axle u-joint I did on the Jeep was a PITA. That was nothing compared to this little SOB. Three hours to swap out a u-joint that will fit in my shirt pocket. It was the original unit, so it was really stuck in there. Had to break all the caps to get it out. A punch flew out of my greasy hand and smacked the DeSoto. Nice paint chip there. Dropped one of the new caps and that rolled under the very middle of the DeSoto, jelly side down. Finally got the booger together only to find I oriented the cross wrong when I went to grease it. Had to do it a second time.

Knocked over a spray can of 1st Ayd Penetrating Gel Lube, snapping off the nozzle and it sprayed all over me and my bench. Broke the nozzle off an ether can, too. At least that didn't spray, but it would have probably washed off the gel lube.

Many, many, four letter were said today.>:(

Darkrider 04-15-2018 10:51 PM

Was this you mr cheese?

cheesy 04-16-2018 07:22 AM


Originally Posted by Darkrider (Post 277498)

Several times, in fact.:)

Emerikol 04-16-2018 09:11 AM

It really sucks that you're so far away, Cheesy. I would have been happy to lend a hand and learn more about what I may get to look forward to with my own Ural. I spent most of my time in the service working on persnickety jet engines, and then was the head mechanic for a small flight school in West Georgia. For as much as some things seem like they're built for ease of maintenance, sometimes it just twists your tail and you have to persuade things with a really big hammer. Glad you got it back together, and the swearing builds character. Hope you have a fantastic week!


Weldangrind 04-16-2018 11:31 AM

It's much better to cuss in a controlled environment. I can't imagine what a PITA that would have been as a field repair.

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