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cheesy 01-05-2022 11:05 AM

Wow, 16 days off. Get back to normal life yesterday. Things are still FUBAR at Beaufort. Worse, it's inventory. Customers are calling me because no one will answer the phone at the office.

I woke up to an email chain today from CS. Customer is looking for parts for a 1999 motor car and gives us part numbers. First problems are the customer calls it a motor trolley and doesn't provide a model or serial number. Because the motor car was built in Canada, their part numbering sequence in 1999 was different than what is used now. One part number was recognizable, to me, as a Deutz number and wouldn't be much use. The other number, though, I punched into my document search and instantly came up with the manual. Apparently, I am the only one that knows how to do this.

I give this info to CS along with the fact that this is a Canadian number and they'll need to check with Toronto for price and availability. Not a minute later, I get an email that that part is not listed in M3, our worse than useless inventory control program. Before I can respond with a profanity laced email telling them that I already told them what they needed to do and checking M3 wasn't it, Harold responds with a profanity laced email that I had already done the bulk of their jobs for them and to call Canada.:lmao:

BTW, if something isn't listed in M3, we've never stocked it. Therefore, the drones are supposed to go through Purchasing and check with France on price and availability. Not whine to the service staff that it isn't in M3. M3 replaced MAI, which had it's own problems. The bulk of the time, we used MAI just to locate what bin a part was in. Where I worked in my previous life, all parts were stocked in numerical order which made life so much easier. Tried to have this done here, but was told it wouldn't work.:crazy:

TominMO 01-05-2022 04:11 PM


Originally Posted by cheesy (Post 370970)
Before I can respond with a profanity laced email telling them that I already told them what they needed to do and checking M3 wasn't it, Harold responds with a profanity laced email that I had already done the bulk of their jobs for them and to call Canada.:lmao:


Sport Rider 01-06-2022 11:05 AM

rethinking that retirement opt-out? :p

cheesy 01-06-2022 11:10 AM


Originally Posted by Sport Rider (Post 371009)
rethinking that retirement opt-out? :p

Nah. I'm having fun. Besides, the worst that can happen is they fire me.

cheesy 01-07-2022 11:12 AM

Eons ago, way back in 2017 and before, inventory was done the first week of the new year. There were maybe 12 of us counting, with Harold and I also helping out if mixed parts were found in a bin. We'd stay late, maybe to 6:30, 7:00. We'd get pizzas for lunch and maybe bring in dinner. Most of the time, we'd have this wrapped up by noon the second day.

2022. There are now upwards of fifty people doing counts. Counting started Monday morning. It is now Friday. They are not expected to be finished until next Monday at the earliest.:wtf:
I couldn't do anything this week because of inventory. Doesn't look like I'll get much done next week, either. So, I'll just sit on my butt at home and earn my higher rate of pay.:tup:

In my previous life, we found it more efficient to tell people that would more than likely screw off during inventory to stay home. They wouldn't get paid but the absence would not count against them. Binks was much larger than GNA, yet we'd knock out inventory a lot faster without the dead wood around, usually in two to three days. Lunch would be brought in and if it was decided we needed to stay late, we got OT. The last few years at Binks, I was an auditor instead of doing counts. A lot cleaner work.

cheesy 01-12-2022 12:19 PM


I've been dealing with the dumbest fcukwit in CS since 7:30 this morning. What's worse is that AT&T is down locally, so I can't call him and tell him what a fcukwit he is. I'd have to use email and that leaves a record of me telling him what a fcukwit he is.:hehe: I want it to be my word against his. Seriously, this guy excels at making a simple solution into a complicated problem. Gave him all the answers he needed by 7:35 and he's still asking me the same questions.

And Beaufort still expects me to do half his job for him. .

cheesy 01-12-2022 02:40 PM

And I let everyone in management know that I have no cell service and they still send me emails to give someone a call. :wtf:

TominMO 01-13-2022 10:43 AM


Originally Posted by cheesy (Post 371286)

I've been dealing with the dumbest fcukwit in CS since 7:30 this morning. What's worse is that AT&T is down locally, so I can't call him and tell him what a fcukwit he is. I'd have to use email and that leaves a record of me telling him what a fcukwit he is.:hehe: I want it to be my word against his. Seriously, this guy excels at making a simple solution into a complicated problem. Gave him all the answers he needed by 7:35 and he's still asking me the same questions.

And Beaufort still expects me to do half his job for him. .

Between the dumbed-down public ed system, soy lattes, men using cosmetics, etc etc ad nauseum, the degree of fcukwittery is increasing alarmingly. You are retiring just in time to maintain your sanity.


Dr. Tom's prescription: Watch lots of old-school westerns and war movies where manly men do the right thing. For an occasional diversion, you may also watch Petticoat Junction, Charlie's Angels, Wonder Woman or other eye-candy shows.

cheesy 01-13-2022 05:56 PM


Originally Posted by TominMO (Post 371318)
Between the dumbed-down public ed system, soy lattes, men using cosmetics, etc etc ad nauseum, the degree of fcukwittery is increasing alarmingly. You are retiring just in time to maintain your sanity.


Dr. Tom's prescription: Watch lots of old-school westerns and war movies where manly men do the right thing. For an occasional diversion, you may also watch Petticoat Junction, Charlie's Angels, Wonder Woman or other eye-candy shows.

Not much for westerns but I do have 'Bridge Over The River Kwai' and 'Tora! Tora! Tora!' on my IPad. I'm not too proud to watch Jackie Chan kick the crap outta some deserving jerk, either. His film, 'The Foreigner' is not a comedy and damn good; also on the IPad. Fifties Sci-Fi works. Good fifties Sci-Fi, though. Not dreck like 'Attack of the Giant Leeches'. Not unless it's playing in the background on pizza and beer night with friends.

I don't control the remote at my place because I have little interest in TV. So I wouldn't get to see the old eye candy shows anyway. I do watch a lot of European crime dramas and Russian Sci-Fi on Netflix. There's some eye candy.

Oddball Matt 01-13-2022 07:01 PM

Here`s something I`m willing to bet none of you have ever seen :) I present to you; Star Wreck, In the Pirkinning! (star trek parody) It`s sadly spoken in Finnish but there are english subs in the settings. I`ll admit it`s a bit crap but considering the renderings etc were done by the same guy that`s playing the lead role and the entire thing is done with a student budget it`s not that bad.

Oh I forgot to mention as I don`t know how known the movie series is around the world but the movie is what kickstarted (pun intended) the Iron Sky Trilogy. If that says nothing then boy do I have a treat for you...

cheesy 01-19-2022 08:07 AM

So much for Denver and killer breakfast burritos next week. Beaufort struck again. Back in Jersey instead.

It’s looking like the nitwits in Production ‘forgot’ to put the bushings in the booms on the replacement loader out here. Effing wonderful. That’s going to be fun job. We had a ‘Teams’ meeting yesterday with Harold, Jean-Luc, myself, the new guy, and the production manager. PM is doing the CYA dance along with telling us about all the procedures we’ll need to do to get the parts shipped to us because we’ll need to pull the parts from a job in work. Jean-Luc, in a heavy French accent, said, and I quote, “Fuck you and your process. Pull those goddam parts and get them shipped to Matt. Today. If those bushings are missing, you are done here.” :clap: Jean-Luc ain’t messing around.

Wonder what we will find next week?

TominMO 01-19-2022 05:01 PM

Nice drama! :tup:

cheesy 01-21-2022 10:01 AM

It's Friday and my forehead is red from this weeks' faceplams.

The drones in production admitted they didn't install the bushings in the booms. I don't have a reason why. Ever the eternal optimist, Harold, said that the pins should come out easy without the bushings in place. Asshole.

The parts that were requested to ship by AM Wednesday are supposed to ship today. Everyone involved in Beaufort knew which parts we needed but no one would act without a formal request from me. Even after I did the unnecessary for the unqualified, I was asked if I was sure about what was needed.

I'm highly doubting that anyone is going to be held accountable for this latest cluster but my guys and myself are going to be the ones responsible to getting it fixed.

BTW, I was reading through this poorly written account to find out when things started to go south. August 2017. Many promises made, every promise broken.


JerryHawk250 01-21-2022 10:57 AM

This would make a great mini series because I can see there is no end to all this. lol

TominMO 01-22-2022 08:36 AM


Originally Posted by cheesy (Post 371621)
It's Friday and my forehead is red from this weeks' faceplams.

Quote of the week. :lmao:

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