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Oengus 05-04-2010 09:19 PM


culcune 05-04-2010 09:21 PM

OK, what's this about? It looks nothing like the XTR 250 photos... :lol:

Oengus 05-04-2010 09:24 PM


Originally Posted by culcune
OK, what's this about? It looks nothing like the XTR 250 photos... :lol:

LOL is that a record for a hijack attempt?

Oengus 05-04-2010 09:29 PM

I would like to be taking pictures of an I customize it!

But for now I just have to be satisfied with the XP....

I have 400km on it, its only May and we have had some rain.....notice the flowers!

TurboT 05-04-2010 09:58 PM

Bike looks real sharp!

Thanks for sharing the photos.

Oengus 05-04-2010 11:16 PM


Originally Posted by TurboT
Bike looks real sharp!

Thanks for sharing the photos.

Thank YoU

I charged the battery on my outdated Nikon Coolpix995 and bought a new battery on Amazon....for $12.00 :D The battery works but has trouble holding a charge for long.

I have not used it in a while....thought the grounds looked good with everything blooming, thought might as well take some photos of the bike as well.

If I pull out the tripod I get real good with the camera, it can be opened up the apeture that is and can capture a reflection on a drop of water.

The camera has a macro feature that allows zooming with clarilty up to 2 inches. I used to raise tropical fish and sold them online for a while. If the apeture is opened up the camera captures details better, but cannot be moved while open or it blures, the tripod stabilizes it.

The 995 is an old digital SLR, an early version but still very very good. Big and clunky but sold for $800.00 new, I got mine used, they sell for nothing these days and a real good cheap camera. You can switch lens on the a 35mm, thats what makes it an SLR, or comparable to a digital SLR. It has or simulates the features of a 35mm camera.

I used it on auto mode for these, but tinkering with it, it has the ablity to take seriously outstanding photos.

SpudRider 05-04-2010 11:28 PM

Thank you for posting the nice photos, Oengus! :) You have now dispelled all the rumors circulating about that you did not actually own an XP200! 8O :lol:

Spud :)

FastDoc 05-04-2010 11:38 PM

Beautiful bike!

All nice and shiney and new, the way mine was.

I fixed that!

Good photography too!

Oengus 05-05-2010 12:05 AM


Originally Posted by SpudRider
Thank you for posting the nice photos, Oengus! :) You have now dispelled all the rumors circulating about that you did not actually own an XP200! 8O :lol:

Spud :)



Oengus 05-05-2010 12:07 AM


Originally Posted by FastDoc
Beautiful bike!

All nice and shiney and new, the way mine was.

I fixed that!

Good photography too!

its actually got road dust all over it....but it will get some dirt on it this summer I assure you.... :wink:

Weldangrind 05-05-2010 02:08 AM

That's a nice machine. I really like the muffler; that cone shape is apparently the best for high rpm power production. How does it sound?

Oengus 05-05-2010 11:00 AM


Originally Posted by Weldangrind
That's a nice machine. I really like the muffler; that cone shape is apparently the best for high rpm power production. How does it sound?

It's very quite, it has some decal on the bike that states its below the decibel standards limit set by the government? People make comments about how quite the bike is.

It does not sound throaty or anything that I personally prefer.... :lol:

There is a performance exhaust you can get for the bike, I have seen all kinds of postings on the net for it, but it to me does not look as good as the stock exhaust. Its stainless steel, the after market that is, it does not look as good to me. But they say that and changing the jets on the Mikuni carb opens the engine up more?

That and changing the sprocket gain high end....

Things I may eventually do..after I have had it for a while.

It is a decent bike, so far.


Oengus 05-15-2010 07:13 PM

I took a road trip today…only locally and took the camera along, nothing professional though.

I passed 500km on the odometer…

Here she is at an RTA station,

Here is another shot of the station…

I made a pit stop at Starbuck…this is the Warehouse District.

SpudRider 05-16-2010 12:00 AM

Thank you for posting the nice photos, Oengus; it looks like it was a beautiful day in Cleveland! :)

Spud :)

Jim 05-16-2010 12:58 AM

Cool bike, and cool city, thanks for sharing the pictures :)

Oengus 05-16-2010 07:30 AM

Thanks for responding....

Its cool to have a light motorcycle that you can zip around on...

:D I saw some other bikers, its kind of like boating, except they seem to be obliged to give a head nod instead of a wave. :lol:

FastDoc 05-16-2010 09:13 PM


Originally Posted by Oengus
Thanks for responding....

Its cool to have a light motorcycle that you can zip around on...

:D I saw some other bikers, its kind of like boating, except they seem to be obliged to give a head nod instead of a wave. :lol:

Beautiful bictures! Thanks for sharing. I also love my Q, especially with the Suzuki speedometer cable installed.

Q went out yesterday and today for a little trail/dirt road riding.

Thank you GOD for SUMMERTIME!!!!!!

Oengus 05-17-2010 09:08 PM

I am limited locally for off road….

That links says lakeview cemetary but it is not, lakeview has a dirt road though that I been on which is one of my places I like ridding. It also has all kinds of winding roads and hills.

There are few other places that one is about the best, its ten minutes from my house. It has long stretch of access road that’s packed dirt then leads into some looping trails some young guys with dirt bike carved out. Some wind through the woods as well.

So I have taken it in the dirt….and that little area is good to get accustomed to dirt. But then I need boots and off-road helmet and goggles. Before I roll it up into the truck and ride out to one of the many off-road course they have in Ohio. I was told we have more than any other state?

I do not live in the desert, I live in a concrete jungle…well not really.

Here is my road course, south park blvd is nice ride.

Oengus 05-17-2010 09:21 PM

The forecast is for a week of rain here!

Cleveland weather is all over the place, your limited always by the weather.

Oengus 05-23-2010 04:13 PM

May 23, 2010 @ 675km
Nice warm day today, so I took the XP out. It was hazy out, probably the result of a near straight week of off and on rain.

200XP at Edgewater State Park

View to the West, Perkins Beach:

View North and waters edge:

View East:

Weldangrind 05-23-2010 06:21 PM

Looks like a nice day for a ride. We get the same haze in the Fraser Valley, because it blows to the East from Vancouver. :?

2LZ 05-23-2010 10:34 PM

Rain....on and off......till 'forever'......
I live in the PRK dangit! That's not supposed to still be happening here! :cry: My vacation was a wash out...... I ended up banking both weeks. :(

Beautiful pics though! Thanks! Need some cheering up! Nice to see someone is out riding! :D

SpudRider 05-23-2010 10:55 PM

Thanks for posting the photos. Cleveland has a nice skyline. :)

Spud :)

Oengus 05-25-2010 08:29 PM

I took the XP200 to lunch today….

I live in an area called the Heights, its basically top of a bluff to the east of the city. The eastern half of Ohio is Appalachian foot hills, the further you go the more hilly it gets. The western half of the state is flat Indiana is very flat and Pennsylvania is hilly, they have mountains.

Anyway I headed down to the base of the bluff or ridge, they used to call it Turkey Ridge, back in the day and every once in a while a wild Turkey can be still spotted in the area.

The base of the bluff is an area called University Circle, it’s considered the cultural center of the city, it is a metropolitan city center in itself. It's a nice area. I like going there, its got some nice green spaces.

One of the institution in the circle is Case Western University, here are some pictures of a building on campus, its designed by architect named Gehry.

Behind that building in the Cleveland Botanical Gardens
From there I headed towards the lake, I took what is called The Rockefeller Parkway and intended to take some more photos on the way but the traffic was way too bad to stop...another time.

I then got hungry and headed to downtown, thats the actual metro center and stopped at a mall called the Galleria, I was so hungry I just jumped the curb and parked in front. Everywhere is a parking spot for a Dual Sport. :lol:

It stopped raining.... :D and the odometer now is at 750km>>we had a high of eighty eight eighty four. Sunny and warm :o

Jim 05-25-2010 08:37 PM

He's the guy who designed the Springfield Prison (concert hall) on the Simpsons I think... It looks just like that building..

Thanks for sharing the pictures.

Oengus 05-25-2010 09:06 PM

LOL.... I love the Simpsons.

There was a man that held people hostage at gun point in the Gehry and when people saw the buiding on the news they thought that it had been blown up! Then they were like's supposed to look like that.

Its named after Peter B. Lewis, the CEO of Progressive Insurance, he was arrested in Japan once for the possesion of Marijuana, it all makes sense....sort of.

2LZ 05-26-2010 12:26 AM

I've heard that the Zong has the most comfy the Q the same setup? I'm really thinking of upgrading Mrs. 2LZ in the near future (if she'll let me spend the $$! 8) ) from her little Hensim 150.
Does the Q have the littler wheels like the Zong?....and also....are they still imported and have new models?

Edit! I just saw that indeed....they are dealing here in So Cal.....and new models list for about 2600.00.
Thanks for the patience! :oops:

SpudRider 05-26-2010 12:40 AM

Thanks for posting the nice photos, Oengus. :) I am glad you are having nice warm weather; the temperatures are still a little chilly here in Idaho. I hop curbs all the time to park; the small, dual sport bikes a lot of fun, indeed! :)

Originally Posted by 2LZ
I've heard that the Zong has the most comfy the Q the same setup?...Does the Q have the littler wheels like the Zong?...

The Qlink is much taller, and has a more narrow seat than the Zong. The QLink has standard size, dual sport wheels. :)

Spud :)

Oengus 05-26-2010 06:34 AM


Originally Posted by 2LZ
I've heard that the Zong has the most comfy the Q the same setup? I'm really thinking of upgrading Mrs. 2LZ in the near future (if she'll let me spend the $$! 8) ) from her little Hensim 150.
Does the Q have the littler wheels like the Zong?....and also....are they still imported and have new models?

Edit! I just saw that indeed....they are dealing here in So Cal.....and new models list for about 2600.00.
Thanks for the patience! :oops:

I bought a 2008 in Jan was only $1,699.00 then, it has 21x18 standard tires. But it sits high, with a 35" seat. The seat is comfortable.

The Zong sits lower, if you can find one its a good option, the Lifan GY-5 is good but also sits high.

Oengus 05-26-2010 06:42 AM


Originally Posted by SpudRider
Thanks for posting the nice photos, Oengus. :) I am glad you are having nice warm weather; the temperatures are still a little chilly here in Idaho. I hop curbs all the time to park; the small, dual sport bikes a lot of fun, indeed! :)

Originally Posted by 2LZ
I've heard that the Zong has the most comfy the Q the same setup?...Does the Q have the littler wheels like the Zong?...

The Qlink is much taller, and has a more narrow seat than the Zong. The QLink has standard size, dual sport wheels. :)

Spud :)

LOL I just posted the same respsonse....

they are fun, easy to ride and get around on.

It's good idea to consider the seat height before getting a bike sight unseen, I went to dealers to sit on other models with the same dimensions.

Oengus 06-02-2010 12:35 AM

I took the XP to a memorial day cookout, that was in Fairview Park, the other side of the county. When I ride across I usually go through the city, Cleveland/Cuyahoga County is an East/West city. So I like heading north to the lake before heading west.

I stopped at East Ninth, this is were the Rock-n-Roll Museum is and also Browns Stadium….

The Museum and Great Lakes Science Center behind it.

View north from the harbor up Ninth street.

The harbor, the William G. Mather Museum, a retired iron ore boat.

Science Center

Browns Stadium

I headed west from the city along the lake front to Rocky River, which is a river that leads into the Metro Parks. This is the boat launches near the mouth of the river.
I forgot my memory cards and could not take any more pictures. It's nice area the mouth of the river has a marina with some homes on the river and surrounding bluffs.
The river defines a part of the Metro Parks called Rocky River Reservation and is part of a large park system called the Emerald Necklace. It's a series of connected parks that ring the urban area, like a necklace.

I took the parkway to get to the party both Fairview Park and the Rocky River are on the Parkway, that being the park runs through both cities. I could not take pictures at the party…I ran out of storage, the old camera uses 16MB memory cards…I only brought one!

Jim 06-02-2010 01:19 AM

Thanks for sharing more pictures... That really looks like a nice city. Are you allowed your bike up there by those benches? 8O

That river looks nice and peaceful, and good weather to get out there too!

SpudRider 06-02-2010 01:20 AM

Once again, thank you for posting the nice photos, Oengus. :) Next time, please remember to bring more memory cards! ;) It looks like it was a beautiful day for a ride.

Spud :)

Oengus 06-02-2010 01:46 AM


Originally Posted by Jim
Thanks for sharing more pictures... That really looks like a nice city. Are you allowed your bike up there by those benches? 8O

That river looks nice and peaceful, and good weather to get out there too!

Nope, if a police officer saw me do that I would get a ticket or a warning. I look around first and then do not stay long. I stick the bike in alot of places I should not, I treat it like a ten speed, which I probably should not.

Yeah there were people with these plastic kayaks and it realy made me think about getting one.

Jim 06-02-2010 01:53 AM

We go out camping during the summer to a little river with some inflatable rafts, except I'm worried this year it will be dry since we didn't get any snow in the winter...

That river there looks like it would be nice to go kayaking or boating in.

What is that square for? The one behind the red fence?

Oengus 06-02-2010 02:09 AM


Originally Posted by SpudRider
Once again, thank you for posting the nice photos, Oengus. :) Next time, please remember to bring more memory cards! ;) It looks like it was a beautiful day for a ride.

Spud :)

I took them out and set them on the table, but never put them in my was a beautiful week, it rained on Monday though and some today. We had storms thunder and lighting and high winds and some flooding.

I have to take the XP in for it's first service it's at 900km now. I think maybe Thursday. I may tool around Lorain County and the Black River, thats Lorain/Elyria, Sandusky and the Islands, further west, would be fun....that could be something for later in the summer. I am working on a family vacation in that area it's a real nice area a big bay and a series of islands in the lake. They have ferries that take you from the bay to the islands. I'll get my parents to rent a place, then put the bike in the back of the pick-up....then everyone in the family will come....the real-estate is way cheap these days and my parents are talking about it being a good time to buy in that area. Something on the lake with dockage, they have boats.

Oengus 06-02-2010 02:31 AM

Sandusky is were Cedar Point is, they have the Millennium Force tallest roller coaster in the World.

If the family gets too be too much I can grab a room here, and just do the lizard on the beach and swim in the pool? If I get bored I can go drop my self 310 feet...then find a beer garden to recover from it all.

Oengus 06-02-2010 02:47 AM


Originally Posted by Jim
We go out camping during the summer to a little river with some inflatable rafts, except I'm worried this year it will be dry since we didn't get any snow in the winter...

That river there looks like it would be nice to go kayaking or boating in.

What is that square for? The one behind the red fence?

The river is at the mouth, but it too shallow up stream, there is good canoeing in the Cuyahoga and the national park though, not in the Rocky River only at the mouth, it's dredged to the point of the boat launch then is very shallow after that. It's ideal for a jet ski though it leads to the lake and open water, then theres a beach at the mouth and another further west.

The fenced in area is for X-Sports they have skateboarding and host events in that area, I think City Halls solution to skateboarders? They I think banned them, then built an area for them. I am not fond of it, I think its lame.

Jim 06-02-2010 03:18 AM

Gotcha... That looks like a good vacation too. :)

Oengus 06-07-2010 06:53 PM

Got the XP200 back from the dealer, 1000km service. Sat on a KLX250SF and thought how much I would like to have it, then asked and was told $5,200.00 OUCH….not that much.

I took the XP on ride are some pictures.

Some shots of the XP and the Chinese Garden in Rockefeller Parkway.

View of InnerHarbor

Memorial Plaza
Same spot as above facing North

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