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Kawazacky 06-16-2008 05:41 PM

How about a "lowest price" sticky?
Everyone wants to save money. Especially me....

So why not have a sticky, sort of like the parts sticky, when someone sees something dirt cheap. FI, if I see a helmet online for $15, it goes to that thread, and gets removed if someone finds one for $12, which would get removed if someone finds that for $10?

I realize this wouldn't be without some problems, and could even require a full-time mod. I'm sure you could get a volunteer though. The idea probably needs a lot of tweaking anyway, but I think it's something worth looking into?......

TeamCheap 06-16-2008 07:18 PM

I like the sticky's but just today I was laughing at all the sticky's in the dual-sport forum and thinking soon there will be one whole page of just sticky's and the new posts will be back a page. :lol: :lol:

Maybee FrostBite should start a whole sticky only section. :lol:

To much of a good thing can be bad.

Kawazacky 06-16-2008 07:28 PM

A sticky-only forum isn't a bad idea either.

katoranger 06-16-2008 07:38 PM

I have noticed the sticky thing too. Probably need to condense them done some more.

A low cost parts/accessories sticky or forum is not a bad idea. It may be better to be its on forum along with reviews of the product after purchase.

I give my duro median tires an A+ or a 5 star review type thing and reasons why.


IronFist 06-16-2008 08:40 PM

I thought the parts sticky was the lowest priced parts available? :?

Kawazacky 06-16-2008 09:14 PM

There's a lot of information there that's outdated.

I'd do it like this:


$14 at
$15 at

SALES: $10 at


$10 at
$11 at
$12 at wal-mart

SALES: $34 for ARAI at

The only way to put something on this list is to PM it to the mod, who will check the link out. This keeps it up to date, and stops every tom, dick, and harry from adding in crap links.

Besides listing specific parts, I'd also recommend listing dealers with low prices, so buyers could search their sites for themselves. As it is right now, a dealer gets recommended on the site, but quickly gets lost amongst posts saying "I BROKE THE RERE BREAK ON MY SPEEDYSCOOT PLZ TELL ME HOW 2 FIX ASAP THNX".

The reason for multiple listings is to give people options to check out, to see what they like. The Sales listing is for short-term deals that could vanish quickly.

I'd mod this sticky if nobody else would.

Kawazacky 06-16-2008 09:16 PM

And, I'm not saying this is a NEEDED function, just that it would be a neat idea.

Maybe a whole "Cheapskates" sub-forum would be cool, specifically for posting pictures of your homemade mods as well as cheap prices.

maf119l 06-16-2008 09:21 PM

Call it the "Bargain Bin"

DesertDog 06-16-2008 11:10 PM


Originally Posted by Kawazacky
There's a lot of information there that's outdated.

I'd do it like this:


$14 at
$15 at

SALES: $10 at


$10 at
$11 at
$12 at wal-mart

SALES: $34 for ARAI at

The only way to put something on this list is to PM it to the mod, who will check the link out. This keeps it up to date, and stops every tom, dick, and harry from adding in crap links.

Besides listing specific parts, I'd also recommend listing dealers with low prices, so buyers could search their sites for themselves. As it is right now, a dealer gets recommended on the site, but quickly gets lost amongst posts saying "I BROKE THE RERE BREAK ON MY SPEEDYSCOOT PLZ TELL ME HOW 2 FIX ASAP THNX".

The reason for multiple listings is to give people options to check out, to see what they like. The Sales listing is for short-term deals that could vanish quickly.

I'd mod this sticky if nobody else would.

:roll: :roll: 8O

almost a straight hit on those sites u posted , i only got 2 no shows, meaning they did'nt exsist, the others were an actual web or search engine,

did you do that on a wim or did you know what they were :?:

Kawazacky 06-17-2008 02:57 PM

Sorry, it was just a whim....I have no idea if the links worked or not, they were just hypothetical examples.

yurkia 06-18-2008 12:27 AM

put some of the stickies in the pure dirt forum, we don't have any

katoranger 06-18-2008 10:19 AM

The Disciples of Chuck have made a decision. Expect some reorganization in the next couple of weeks.

Thanks for the suggestion it spur some good ideas.


IronFist 06-18-2008 02:53 PM

Thanks Zack
It might take a while so don't hold yer breath....K?
Once set-up, it shouldn't be too hard to maintain, having all that info in 1 spot makes it worthwhile.

TeamCheap 06-20-2008 05:33 PM

I'd love to have a PRICE CHECK type site that we could search multiple sites for parts and accessories.
A search would turn up a list of the parts from various venders like all of have seen for various other products.

Hmmm I'll have to see if those annoying product search sites can be made to do MY bidding. :twisted:

SpeedSouth 06-21-2008 09:08 PM


Originally Posted by Kawazacky
I'd do it like this:


$14 at
$15 at

SALES: $10 at


$10 at
$11 at
$12 at wal-mart

SALES: $34 for ARAI at

The only way to put something on this list is to PM it to the mod, who will check the link out. This keeps it up to date, and stops every tom, dick, and harry from adding in crap links.

Besides listing specific parts, I'd also recommend listing dealers with low prices, so buyers could search their sites for themselves. As it is right now, a dealer gets recommended on the site, but quickly gets lost amongst posts saying "I BROKE THE RERE BREAK ON MY SPEEDYSCOOT PLZ TELL ME HOW 2 FIX ASAP THNX".

The reason for multiple listings is to give people options to check out, to see what they like. The Sales listing is for short-term deals that could vanish quickly.

I'd mod this sticky if nobody else would.

Here's an idea...if you're willing to maintain the post, I think it can be done without a mod.

Just start a new thread in the format you describe. Other members can post links and discuss ideas, but you simply update (edit) your original post with the up-to-date information.

It would not prevent crap links from being posted, but it doesn't require a mod, and it keeps all the important information in the first post of the thread, so reading the crap links wouldn't really be an issue (for anyone but you :) ).

You could also add thread page numbers (and a link) as the thread grows to indicate discussions on various items.

Just a thought...

My thoughts on the DS forum and the sticky list....just increase the number of threads displayed per page.
It's not a real fix, but it's quick! :)

Kawazacky 06-22-2008 01:02 PM

Yeah, there are a couple ways this could be done effectively. Your idea is pretty similar to the existing "parts" sticky, which sort of works.

I'm going to wait and see what the mods say before I do anything, 'cuz I think they plan for some changes soon anyway.

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