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SpudRider 03-02-2015 02:57 AM

Tutorial: How to Order Items from Taobao
Taobao is the Chinese version of eBay. You can order many items from Taobao, including parts for your Chinese motorcycles. :) The Taobao website is located at

Unless you can read Chinese, the first step in negotiating the Taobao website is to translate the web pages. I suggest you do as I, and browse the website using the Google Chrome web browser, setting the browser to automatically translate from Chinese to your native language.

If you understand Chinese, you can order items directly from Taobao. However, since I can neither read nor speak Chinese, I prefer to use a Taobao agent to facilitate my purchases. I suggest you do the same. ;) I have placed three orders using the Taobaotrends agent, and I am pleased with the service I have received. The Taobaotrends agent is located at However, you can also choose from a variety of other Taobao agents.

The agent will charge a 10 percent fee to facilitate you purchase, but I think this fee is very reasonable. Your agent will communicate with the vendors in Chinese, and he will communicate with you in business English. Employing an agent allows you to order items from a variety of vendors, and the agent will have all the different items delivered to him. After all your parts arrive, you can request photographs of the items to confirm they are the correct parts you have ordered. If any errors are made, you can rectify these errors before the items ship. After all your correct items arrive at the agent's office, he will group them into a single package, and ship them directly to your home address.

SpudRider 03-02-2015 03:00 AM

After you choose one of the Taobao agents, you must register an account with that agent. For this tutorial, I will use the Taobaotrends agent as an example, since this is the agent I employ. First, go to the website. Halfway down the left side of the web page, you will see a purple box for typing your user name and password. At the bottom of this box click on the 'Create Account' link. On the next page enter the proper information in the required boxes. Enter your correct legal name in the 'Name' box. I suggest you enter your China Riders username in the 'Username' box. Choose a good password, and enter your correct email address in the appropriate box. The Taobaotrends agent will communicate with you using this email address. After you are done entering all the information, click the green 'Register' button.

After you register your account, you will need to wait a day or two before your account is activated. The Taobaotrends agent will notify you by email when your account becomes active. Before you leave the website, I strongly suggest you click on the 'How to Buy,' 'Payment and Fees,' and 'Shipping' tabs at the top of the web page. If you read the information, these links will describe everything you need to know regarding the ordering and shipping procedures for buying at Taobao. ;)

SpudRider 03-02-2015 03:05 AM

While you wait for your account to become active, you can learn how to find the items you want to purchase from the Taobao website. Using your Google Chrome web browser, go to You can search for items using the text box located at the top of the web page. Using the proper search term is the most important technique for finding the correct parts for your particular motorcycle. For this example I will show you the correct search terms to use for finding parts for the Zongshen RX3 motorcycle. If you have a different motorcycle, you will need to use different search terms. ;)

In the text box at top of the page, type 'zs250gy-3.' The resulting search will yield about five pages of motorcycle parts which fit the Zongshen ZS250GY-3 motorcycle. Even using automatic translation, you will still need to recognize the photographs of the correct parts. If you can't recognize the parts now, you will acquire this skill after you become more familiar with your motorcycle. ;) To advance to the next page, click the 'next' box at the bottom of the web page. To select a part for examination, click on the link for the part itself.

After you have searched all the pages for the first search term, you can try another search term to get more results. Another good search term for the Zongshen RX3 motorcycle is 'zongshen rx3.' Type the new search term in the text box at the top of the web page, and you will get about 8 more pages of parts to browse.

The Zongshen RX3 employs the same NC250 engine as several other motorcycles. Type the search term 'zongshen nc250,' and you will get about 12 pages of engine parts. You must be careful selecting these parts, since some of them will fit motorcycles other than the Zongshen RX3. ;)

All of the items at Taobao are priced in Chinese Yuan. Let's say the price for a particular item is 55 Chinese Yuan. To find the price in U.S. Dollars, open a separate tab in your web browser, and search for '55 chinese yuan dollars.' When I performed this search, the resulting web page told me the price was $8.77 USD at the current exchange rate.

SpudRider 03-02-2015 03:10 AM

After your Taobaotrends account is activated, you are ready to start adding parts to your Taobao order. You must open two tabs in your Google Chrome web browser. In one tab log into you account at using your username and password. In the other tab go to the website and search for one of the parts you wish to purchase. After you find a part you want to buy, you can add this part to your shopping cart. Copy the URL of the web page for the desired part into your computer's clipboard. On the website, go to the User Menu which is located about halfway down the left side of the page. Click on the 'Submit Your Orders' button. On the next page paste the URL for the desired part into the text box, and click submit. Repeat this process for as many parts as you wish to order. Periodically, you can check your shopping cart. You don't need to add all your desired parts in one sitting. You can log out, and the next time you log into your Taobaotrends account, all of your items will still be sitting in your shopping cart. :)

The running total for your order is displayed at the bottom of the shopping cart. You will see information for the subtotal price of the parts, the 10 percent agent's fee, and the total fee. All these prices are displayed in Chinese Yuan. The bottom line show the total cost in U.S. Dollars. After you have added and removed items, and selected the correct number of items for each part, you can click the 'Checkout' button to submit your order. Once again, you must wait several days for the agent to confirm all of your parts are actually in stock. The agent will communicate with you via email in business English. When everything is satisfactory for both parties, the agent will request the first payment, submitted via PayPal. After you pay, the agent will order all your items, and have them delivered to his office. If you order a lot of items, you will probably need to wait several weeks for all of them to arrive. ;)

SpudRider 03-02-2015 03:13 AM

After all the parts arrive, I suggest you ask your agent to take photographs of all the items. In this manner you can confirm every part is correct. If you have any problems, you can resolve them with your agent before you complete your order. :)

After your order is completed to your satisfaction, the agent will pack all of your items in a single package. He will then present you with a shipping cost, which is your second, and final payment. After you submit your payment via PayPay, the agent will ship all your items to your home address.

Shipping weights are recorded in grams. The shipping cost for the first 500 grams (1.1 pounds) is very costly. However, the low price of the actual items offsets this cost. The shipping charge for each additional 500 grams (1.1 pounds) is much less. If you want to keep your shipping costs low, don't order heavy items. ;) I always figure it will cost about half as much to ship the items as the total cost of the items themselves.

SpudRider 03-02-2015 03:15 AM

This is way you order items from Taobao. If you are willing to make the effort, you can save a lot of money on parts. ;) It will take a little work as you acquire experience in the ordering process. However, as with all skills, you will certainly get much better with practice. :)

I hope people who are experienced with making orders at Taobao will help answer the questions which will undoubtedly result from this thread. If we all help each other, we will all learn together. :)

thillskier 03-02-2015 06:27 AM

Thank you!
Spud to the rescue, AGAIN!! I will get right on this.

jct842 03-02-2015 11:00 AM

Thank you spud. Will have to get chrome going and check it all out. john

Weldangrind 03-02-2015 11:33 AM


Originally Posted by SpudRider (Post 180718)
To find the price in U.S. Dollars, open a separate tab in your web browser, and search for '55 chinese yuan dollars.' When I performed this search, the resulting web page told me the price was $8.77 USD at the current exchange rate.

As a point of trivia, if you type "55cny to usd" into Google, an app will pop up that allows you to change the amounts as desired. I like to keep a tab open with the app, so I can plug prices in on the fly.

Weldangrind 03-02-2015 11:35 AM


Originally Posted by SpudRider (Post 180720)
After your order is completed to your satisfaction, the agent will pack all of your items in a single package. He will then present you with a shipping cost, which is your second, and final payment.

At this point, you can request an additional shipping quote. Taobaotrends can offer quotes for EMS air mail and DHL for sure, and perhaps other methods.

thillskier 03-02-2015 01:48 PM

Thank you, also
Thats good stuff also, and will come in handy, especially shipping info if I need some parts in a hurry for whatever reason (hopefully NOT though;)...can't imagine any good scenario I'd be in (personally) to need to do that, anyway.

SpudRider 03-02-2015 04:11 PM


Originally Posted by Weldangrind (Post 180757)
As a point of trivia, if you type "55cny to usd" into Google, an app will pop up that allows you to change the amounts as desired. I like to keep a tab open with the app, so I can plug prices in on the fly.

Thank you for joining the discussion, and posting the excellent tip, Weld. :tup:

SpudRider 03-02-2015 04:16 PM


Originally Posted by Weldangrind (Post 180758)
At this point, you can request an additional shipping quote. Taobaotrends can offer quotes for EMS air mail and DHL for sure, and perhaps other methods.

Thanks for posting another excellent tip, Weld. :)

As you can imagine, it is next to impossible to include all of the Taobao information in an introductory post. Therefore, I am counting on you, and other experienced Taobao customers, to post more good tips, and to help answer the questions which will surely arise as people start making their first purchases. :)

SpudRider 03-02-2015 04:47 PM

Yesterday I placed my fourth order on Taobaotrends. I received an email confirmation of my order today, and I submitted my first payment. My order is now being processed. :) I now enter the phase where the agent orders my parts, and I await for them to be delivered to my agent. ;)

katflap 03-02-2015 05:03 PM

Thanks spud ,great tutorial:tup:

SpudRider 03-02-2015 05:05 PM


Originally Posted by katflap (Post 180783)
Thanks spud ,great tutorial:tup:

You're welcome. :) Thank you for all your helpful posts and excellent photographs. :tup:

Weldangrind 03-02-2015 08:54 PM


Originally Posted by SpudRider (Post 180777)
Thanks for posting another excellent tip, Weld. :)

As you can imagine, it is next to impossible to include all of the Taobao information in an introductory post. Therefore, I am counting on you, and other experienced Taobao customers, to post more good tips, and to help answer the questions which will surely arise as people start making their first purchases. :)

Happy to serve. I can appreciate how difficult it is to share every detail, yet keep the post from being to complex.

guttafixit 03-07-2015 06:59 AM

2 Attachment(s)
Nice write up!!
This is what I had a problem with. You have to click "view" to see the PayPal button.
Here are a couple pics they sent me.

SpudRider 03-07-2015 07:07 AM

The process is not very difficult at all. :) As with most things, it takes a little work to learn the system, but the effort is well worth it. ;) After you complete your first order, you will an expert. :tup:

katoranger 03-07-2015 08:06 AM

Pictures. I can do it now.:D

Weldangrind 03-07-2015 11:00 AM


Originally Posted by katoranger (Post 181194)
Pictures. I can do it now.:D


SpudRider 03-07-2015 01:54 PM


Originally Posted by katflap (Post 180783)
Thanks spud ,great tutorial:tup:

You're welcome. :) If you place an order at Taobao, I suggest you get the updated, split, left side covers which facilitate accessing the air filter element. ;)

humanbeing 04-26-2015 07:06 AM

Location is a factor to consider. Distance btw seller & agent...
--- The package will be in 1 of
"四通一达" describes top 5 courier used by TB seller #58
In history China Post isn't seller's 1st choice (Expensive & NO flexibility... ) BUT they had similar rate as above FiNALLY in '13
Ask the tracking # from agent to check the status...

G19Tony 05-19-2015 10:37 AM

Thank you for the information, Spud. I registered with Taobaotrends and was able to shop right away. I found everything I needed in a few minutes. Clicked submit and was on my way. We'll see how it all goes. :)

SpudRider 05-19-2015 02:24 PM

Good for you, Tony. :tup: I currently have my fifth order submitted at Taobao. :)

ripcuda 05-19-2015 04:27 PM

Must be nice to have a decent keyword to find pertinent items for your bike at Taobao.

I've tried lots of search words for mine and related bikes. Not so easy...


SpudRider 05-19-2015 04:37 PM

Indeed, the search terms make all the difference. ;) For my Zongshen Sierra 200, I use the following search terms.


For my Zongshen RX3, I employ the following search terms.

Zongshen RX3

humanbeing 05-21-2015 06:47 AM


Originally Posted by SpudRider (Post 185330)
Indeed, the search terms make all the difference. ;) For my Zongshen ...

Sierra: 沙漠飞孤 (marketing name) | LY200 (engine type)
RX3: RX3

humanbeing 05-21-2015 06:54 AM


Originally Posted by ripcuda (Post 185327)
Must be nice to have a decent keyword to find pertinent items

Chonda dual sports ... common body style(s) 白菜 / CQR / 宗申款

Weldangrind 05-21-2015 11:06 AM

HB, I've used your list many times.

SpudRider 05-21-2015 11:10 AM

Thanks for posting the tips, Humanbeing. :)

humanbeing 05-26-2015 07:56 PM

Good article |

SpudRider 05-27-2015 02:12 AM

Thanks for posting the interesting links regarding the discount system in China, HB. :)

Weldangrind 07-06-2015 12:14 PM

I just made this thread into a sticky, to make it easier for others to find.

SpudRider 07-06-2015 03:03 PM

Thank you, Weld. :) When I posted this thread I added a link to it in both of the Zongshen sticky threads I maintain.

bogieboy 07-12-2015 07:32 PM

i am trying to use taobaotrends, but the items i am adding are not showing up right... they show a price of $0... what am i doing wrong? i copied and pasted the links from taobao right out of the header bar...

SpudRider 07-13-2015 12:41 AM


Originally Posted by bogieboy (Post 188623)
i am trying to use taobaotrends, but the items i am adding are not showing up right... they show a price of $0... what am i doing wrong? i copied and pasted the links from taobao right out of the header bar...

If you registered, and performed all the other preliminary steps, you still need to wait a day or two before your account is enabled. ;)

bogieboy 07-13-2015 06:45 AM

ok, I will do so, thanks spud!!!

rich_e 07-23-2015 01:58 PM

Looks like their PayPal account has reached its limit. The alternatives are Western Union and Skrill ( The fee for Western Union was going to be $9 and would take 3-5 days to complete. So I set up a Skrill account and sent the 1st payment. I pasted the confirmation of payment in a reply to the email I got from the agent.

Hoping this all works out.

Skrill was only $0.64 and the fee was charged to the seller but there was a 2.9% fee to upload the money to Skrill from a Debit Card.

ghcoe 08-03-2015 10:16 PM

Ok, trying this taobao thing. Just made my first order using this site . It seemed easier to use than and was quite a bit more economical too. They had better shipping rates and purchase costs than Taobaotrends. So now the waiting game......

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