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CrazyCarl 04-02-2008 03:13 AM

Poll - How did you get your bike???
Just trying to do some research and would like to know a little more about how people end up with their China-motos.

I think we can all get a general feeling about this question but I think seeing the numbers could be interesting so if you have a moment, please pitch in your .02 and feel free to add comments.

Other useful info might be your general location and model purchased.

Much thanks ya'll,

SamM 04-02-2008 03:19 AM

I just woke up. Couldn't sleep. My family all have the flu and I'm on the couch to hopefully avoid exposure to it. Saw your poll and figured I'd get my vote in early. Even though my purchase was made through ebay, I only made a small deposit and then picked my bike up at the dealership. The bike was brand new.


Jim 04-02-2008 03:29 AM

I voted for new in person from the dealer...

My first bike I got new from the dealer in person, the second bike I got new in person from the distributor. The distributor, in both cases, though I only directly dealt with in the second case was and if you are in Canada I recommend them, they are great to deal with.

DirtRoadKing 04-02-2008 08:09 AM

An internet vendor, unseen.
Much more happy with the bike than the vendor.

IronFist 04-02-2008 08:28 AM

From dealer, Daymak/, Toronto, Ontario Canada.
"how people end up with their China-motos."
I was going to get an electric bike, no ins/licence/reg. The bike was crap, really it was that bad. Got a 150cc Xingyue Easy for street use/ new. Lots ofthings wrong with it, Lot's of things Right. Very good engine. Very happy, rider for life.
Good luck in your travels. N2r.

Cal25 04-02-2008 08:44 AM

Did my homework and compared bikes. The bike I chose was at dealer a couple hundred miles away. Bought it thru Ebay but drove up to choose the color, pay for it, and pick it up.

I deal with freight lines at work and hate haveing to file damage /loss claims. It was worth it to me to pic it up myself.

It was overall a very positive experience. I would not hesitate to do it again.

panamarandy 04-02-2008 08:47 AM

From an internet i regret that...

driller 04-02-2008 09:07 AM

I listened to a lot of the guys here before buying from "", and he couldn't have been better!

AZ200cc 04-02-2008 12:51 PM

I bought mine from a friend who used it to teach his wife to ride.

katoranger 04-02-2008 10:05 PM

I bought mine from a B&M seller. I wouldn't call them a dealer since he wasn't an authorized AL dealer.

The seller did right and got me the a title for my bike, but he didn't really follow the correct dealer rules in the state of GA. I knew the rules better than he did.

The bike has been great and I got a good price so it work out well for me.

Just bought another bike tonight that I hope to chinafy and ride.


ambassador 04-02-2008 11:03 PM

T-Motorsports from E-bay, not a whole lot of complaints, had to hit the DMV twice in the meantime they gave me a temp tag and send back my MCO to be filled out but the bike runs great, take it to work every morning...
Can say that I did sweat it after I hit the enter button on my bid and won, not really knowing what the outcome of my purchase may be but overall I'm very satisfied...

zundapp2 04-03-2008 05:57 AM

My Hi-Bird 250 came from VBikes in Arizona, sight unseen. Prompt shipping, no damage to anything, and correct paperwork with bike; a perfect transaction. Would do it again.

CrazyCarl 04-05-2008 01:03 AM

If this is accurate there's an obvious area where the market needs to be improved.

If you bought your bike from an internet vendor, how did you expect to handle any warranty work?


04-05-2008 01:56 AM

7 Days, No word on my bike yet!!!!

I hope my money did not go directly to a off-shore account............ :evil:

CrazyCarl 04-05-2008 05:03 AM

Where'd you order it from? What did you order?


TeamCheap 04-05-2008 05:19 AM

We bought two at the same time from an interent vendor sight unseen and got exactly the bikes pictured with zero problems getting the proper paperwork to register them for the road.

I did have a slight problem with mine and they replaced the part but I wasnt concerned as much with warranty as I was with parts availibility overall which at first was slim but now parts are much easier to get from various sources.

usmc-mustang 04-05-2008 11:31 AM

Second hand - Unseen (Ebay, Craig's List, etc.)

That doesnt make sense to me.. I bought mine off Craigs list, and saw a picture of it on Craigs list. I than went out to the sellers home and test rode it. Made a deal with him for $350, shook hands, and a title came out of his pocket and money came out of mine. It was surely not an unseen deal. Craigs list should not be on there. I have voted twice, this way It is correctly reported.

CrazyCarl 04-05-2008 11:41 AM

Maybe it's confusing but the way I see it is you saw the "second hand" (used) bike with your own eyeballs and took delivery (exchanged money for goods) from the seller "in person". This would be "Second hand - in person".


Jim 04-05-2008 12:51 PM

On my first bike I bought it from the dealer, 6 month warranty was up before I had really put any miles on it since I bought it at the start of winter...

The second bike I bought straight from the distributor but forfeited my warranty for a better price and assembled the bike myself.

With the cheapness of parts, and the short duration of the warranty, I don't see a lot of need for it, unless the bike has issues out of the crate I think it should be good, granted things CAN go wrong, but nothing has on either of mine, and nothing major on my dads.

katoranger 04-05-2008 01:22 PM

The warranty was not even a selling point for me. Have not needed it.


kczukiman 04-05-2008 09:46 PM

These are 1200.00 bikes.The more you involve steps the more you pay for a 1200. bike.

04-06-2008 12:49 AM


Originally Posted by CrazyCarl
Where'd you order it from? What did you order?


I ordered the black one....

I recieved a "Thank you for your order" e-mail" Thats it!!!

9 days and waiting......

What do you think would be a reasonable time frame???


CrazyCarl 04-06-2008 05:43 AM

That's a good question and I don't have direct experience with ordering bikes for delivery. Other people may have a better idea, esp if they have used the same company.

When is the last time you called them?


olds_cool 04-06-2008 05:34 PM

Bought mine from an online dealer who went out of business shortly after. Looking back, I probably should've just bought some underwear or socks instead!

04-06-2008 06:30 PM


Originally Posted by olds_cool
Bought mine from an online dealer who went out of business shortly after. Looking back, I probably should've just bought some underwear or socks instead!

I feal much better now, Thank's!!

frostbite 04-06-2008 08:52 PM

I bought mine from a local dealer with a 1 year parts warranty. The warranty paid off big-time since I developed tranny issues and he replaced the entire engine for no charge. Of course I had to install myself but not a big deal on these bikes.

usmc-mustang 04-06-2008 10:19 PM


Originally Posted by CrazyCarl
Maybe it's confusing but the way I see it is you saw the "second hand" (used) bike with your own eyeballs and took delivery (exchanged money for goods) from the seller "in person". This would be "Second hand - in person".


Yes, but Craigs list was clearly stated. I would have placed it in a differnet area. It was not an ebay, or online used purchassed as it was catagorized.

As for how long to wait, 7 days. After that phones would begin ringing. You should always hear from them with 5 business days.

NewEnglandTrails 04-08-2008 02:24 PM


Originally Posted by CrazyCarl
If this is accurate there's an obvious area where the market needs to be improved.

If you bought your bike from an internet vendor, how did you expect to handle any warranty work?


For the 2 new China bikes and 1 new China atv I purchased unseen from internet vendors, the price I paid was so low, I did'nt have any expectatations of Warranty. They were the first bikes I ever purchased that were not second hand. What could go wrong? (knock on wood)
So far so good. However, without the community of knowledge that is offered on, my experience would not be as pleasant as it has been.


lamike 04-08-2008 02:47 PM

Found mine on the internet but ordered mine from Vbike on the phone unseen and shipped.

madmanjustice 04-08-2008 05:43 PM

i had to vote "other"

I got my Ratketa for $50 on Craigslist, but I i got it 3rd or 4th hand...not second. lol

Universal_Diver 04-09-2008 08:11 AM

I ordered my 250 Hi-Bird from

An excellent experience...
As a matter of fact I am about to order a 4 wheeler from them.... :lol:

mrhyak 04-09-2008 11:14 AM

I purchased my bike used on ebay from the original owner. It had 4 clicks on the odometer and a dead battery (sat for 2 yrs in a shed). New battery and new gas and the thing has been running excellent ever since... Oh, the price was $500 buy-it-now and the guy lived 5 miles from where I work. He paid $1,699 and had it shipped to his house.

Death85e 04-11-2008 09:51 AM

New China Bike Owners ( The Wife and I )
My wife and i just recently purchased 2 of the HI-Bird 250's from a dealer in Oklahoma sight unseen ( and lots of prayers the bikes will be as great as we keep hearing ) 8O ...anyway we are really looking forward to the fun and enjoyment of riding and .02 cents worth. BTW great sight eveyone!!! I didnt do as i should have and do the research on the bikes beforehand so i'm a lil bit scared about what to expect. :oops:

SpeedSouth 04-11-2008 11:10 AM

Re: New China Bike Owners ( The Wife and I )

Originally Posted by Death85e
My wife and i just recently purchased 2 of the HI-Bird 250's from a dealer in Oklahoma sight unseen ( and lots of prayers the bikes will be as great as we keep hearing ) 8O ...anyway we are really looking forward to the fun and enjoyment of riding and .02 cents worth. BTW great sight eveyone!!! I didnt do as i should have and do the research on the bikes beforehand so i'm a lil bit scared about what to expect. :oops:

Welcome to the forum :)

You've come to the right place. The help you will find here is second to none.

On topic, I purchased my bike "unseen" from a dealer....and I'm rather surprised by the numbers to this point. I knew a lot of people purchsed from online vendors, but didn't expect the percentage to be quite that high. Not sure why...I just didn't. Almost 3:1 to the next closest option. 8O

culcune 04-11-2008 12:33 PM

Re: New China Bike Owners ( The Wife and I )

Originally Posted by Death85e
I didnt do as i should have and do the research on the bikes beforehand so i'm a lil bit scared about what to expect. :oops:

Three active recent members; 'kczukiman', 'universal diver', and 'Cal25', just ordered and received their Hi-Birds, so you will be in good company. The place you ordered from is either anamcycles or vbikeusa which I really think are one and the same, and are probably affiliated with Hi-Bird USA who are also located in OK (coincidence, I think not!)

DirtRoadKing 04-11-2008 12:48 PM

I've had my Hi-Bird/Ricardo (same as Komoto) for about 2 mo. now. I think it's great, a lot of bike for the money. Doing some mods. on it this weekend. K&N air filter, 44 rear sprocket, raising the needle. Already did the exhuast and I have a CDI ordered, might be here today.
Happy with Hi-Bird so far...

culcune 04-11-2008 12:57 PM

Sorry, DRK, you have one, too :oops: Isn't your sprocket already a 46?

DirtRoadKing 04-11-2008 05:11 PM

No, it was a 17/50 set up. I just came in from changing it to a 44. Took a little ride, it's much better. I did the other mods today also, what an improvement. The biggest difference came from the K&N filter and moving the needle. Might still have to increase jet size, may be a little lean, but that thing is screaming compaired to how it was...

Death85e 04-17-2008 12:27 AM

WOW!!!!!! got our bikes about a week ago now and i gotta say WOW!!!! Since we put them together we have already put 100+ miles on each one changed the oil twice and have had way to much ride mostly trails in the red rock region of south eastern utah and have little trips on highway but i gotta say i'm beyond pleased. My only concern now is the effects of the 100+ heat on the 250's in the summer time here....if anyone has any comments please i am open to all suggestions and help...Thanks to Frostbite for setting up such a great site and Thanks to all of the members for being kind enough to help!

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