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TominMO 01-14-2024 09:37 AM

Weather stories
My small house was built in 1926 and has never had any kind of heating system, other than space heaters. I heat it with two of those oil-filled radiators on wheels that you plug in.

EDIT: I forgot that originally it had wood stoves in each room. Senior moment.

Woke up this morning and it was -3F outside, WC -20. In my unheated bedroom, it was 46F. The heated parts of the house were at 48. I also have to heat my crawlspace so the pipes don't freeze, when it gets below about 20F. And below 32 I have to keep a tap trickling so the short above-ground section of pipe in the detached garage doesn't freeze. That section is above ground because it has a shutoff valve and a spigot. It is heavily insulated, but still.

Old-school living. Fun times! :yay: + :cry: = :ohno:

Today is the lowest temp day for this cold cycle, so it will only get better. Max temp today is 6F.

cheesy 01-14-2024 10:52 AM

It's gotten up to -2 in the sun here in NE Illannoy, with a WC of -15. As stated in the 'What did you buy today' thread, it was -13 with a WC of -37 when I rolled myself out of a warm bed this morning.

We turned the furnace down a couple of degrees last night and I lit the fireplace this morning. The house is about 66. Wool is the fabric of choice today. Mrs.C is dressed in layers, which is a good thing for someone whose vocabulary is heavy with, "I'm cold." I have on a heavy rag wool sweater with the same type of socks and lined jeans.

Meals heavy in calories help a lot, too.

2LZ 01-14-2024 12:34 PM

"For CA", it's been cold here. We've been in the mid-to-low 20's in the morning. Had some snow but yesterdays rain melted it off below 4000'. Living in Canyonland, you drive two miles and the weather and terrain completely change. My buddy lives four miles up the same road from us. He needed chains to get out of his driveway, we were clear.

Bikenut 01-14-2024 12:39 PM

I grew up in Michigan's Upper Penninsula, an area where below zero temps in the winter were the norm. (Sometimes felt like that in the summer too!) We lived in a farm house that had absolutely no insulation in it. We had a wood stove in the kitchen and a wood furnace in the basement. No forced air. And if Dad fell asleep then the fires went out and we would wake up to a house that was almost the same temp as outside.

Every summer was spent cutting down trees, splitting firewood, carrying firewood, stacking firewood, and in the winter filling wood boxes and carrying ashes..... God Almighty I very quickly got tired of messing with firewood!

Then when I was 16 we moved to Michigan's lower peninsula into an apartment and I discovered the most ingenious, and important, invention/innovation of my young life. There was a dial on the wall and if I turned it up the apartment got warmer!!!! Imagine that... no freaking firewood!!!

So even now in my old age as long as the power doesn't go out and that little dial on the wall in my house keeps working let the cold winds blow!

cheesy 01-14-2024 02:07 PM

Say Ya to da Yoo Pee, Eh!

From NW Wisconsin and experienced the same though we moved to SE Wisconsin when I was quite young. Every two weeks in the summer, though, go up to Eau Claire and get the grandparents wood supply ready for winter.

2LZ 01-14-2024 03:01 PM


Originally Posted by Bikenut (Post 403593)
I grew up in Michigan's Upper Penninsula, an area where below zero temps in the winter were the norm. (Sometimes felt like that in the summer too!) We lived in a farm house that had absolutely no insulation in it. We had a wood stove in the kitchen and a wood furnace in the basement. No forced air. And if Dad fell asleep then the fires went out and we would wake up to a house that was almost the same temp as outside.

Every summer was spent cutting down trees, splitting firewood, carrying firewood, stacking firewood, and in the winter filling wood boxes and carrying ashes..... God Almighty I very quickly got tired of messing with firewood!

Then when I was 16 we moved to Michigan's lower peninsula into an apartment and I discovered the most ingenious, and important, invention/innovation of my young life. There was a dial on the wall and if I turned it up the apartment got warmer!!!! Imagine that... no freaking firewood!!!

So even now in my old age as long as the power doesn't go out and that little dial on the wall in my house keeps working let the cold winds blow!

Firewood is still a way of life here. PG&E doesn't let us use that dial on the wall much. Only in seriously critical situations like if the fire goes out, and we're gone a long time. We'll bring the house up to about 55'-60' with the heater, then shut it off and let the wood stove take over.
We just got the pre-warning email from PG&E yesterday that our next bill is projected to be over 500.00 for December. We barely ran the heater (propane heat, mind you) and live with minimal lights on. Highway freaking robbery. PG&E needs some competition.
I['m very fortunate that Mrs. 2LZ still loves splitting and stacking firewood. We're also very fortunate that Mother Nature (The Good Lord?) provides us with enough natural oak fall on our property every year so we don't have to buy wood like many here have to.

Edit: When we first moved here, we installed a pellet stove insert into that giant, heat sucking hole in the wall known as a fireplace. It worked well as we both were gone 12 hours a day and it kicked on and off by itself. We'd shut it down when we got home and light the wood stove. It wasn't bad then, I could buy a ton (pallet) of pellets for about 250.00, delivered. That would last about 2-3 months. Now? Pellets are upwards of 7-8.00 a BAG! A bag may last a day to a day and a half. Times that by 30......

TominMO 01-14-2024 07:21 PM

It's been 48 all day in my house. Temp is now up to 3F outside.

My wardrobe:
winter socks; Heat Holders slipper socks over them
pair of underwear; pair of long underwear; another pair of long underwear
thick 3/4 sleeve T-shirt; long sleeve semi-thick cotton shirt; thin wool sweater; sweatshirt
hand towel for my neck
thick terrycloth robe
Heat Holders wool cap (super warm)

JerryHawk250 01-14-2024 07:25 PM

I had to tuff it out today in 72° sunny weather. I took a chance and road the Vulcan S. :lmao:

That's all going to change in the next few days. Temperatures will be dropping in the teens on Wednesday morning.

Thumper 01-14-2024 07:31 PM

Chiefs beat the Dolphins last night at Arrowhead stadium in -4 to -10 with 15mph breeze. It was cold enough to make Mahomes helmet brittle and he broke it running to make a 1st down ;)

It hit 0 today, back down to -4 :cry:

I have been burning hardwood in the box stove all day and the kitchen (upper level) is comfortable. Office downstairs is COLD, but that's where the big screen is and I am watching Dallas losing badly at home :wtf:

My right hand is freezing on the mouse :crazy:

cheesy 01-14-2024 07:56 PM


Originally Posted by Thumper (Post 403609)

I have been burning hardwood in the box stove all day and the kitchen (upper level) is comfortable. Office downstairs is COLD, but that's where the big screen is and I am watching Dallas losing badly at home :wtf:

I've been sitting in front of the gas fireplace watching the Packers win in Dallas.:yay:

TBH, I expected the Pack to be one and done.

TominMO 01-14-2024 09:25 PM


Originally Posted by JerryHawk250 (Post 403607)
1. I had to tuff it out today in 72° sunny weather. I took a chance and road the Vulcan S. :lmao:

2. That's all going to change in the next few days. Temperatures will be dropping in the teens on Wednesday morning.

1. I hate you.

2. OK, you are forgiven.

cheesy 01-15-2024 08:29 AM

-14 here tn NE Illannoy this morning. At least no wind today. So far.

I haven't even been hooking Buster to his lead when goes out to do his business. One reason is the clasp is frozen shut. The other is I get dressed and go out with him so he doesn't wander too far from the house before his tootsies get too cold to walk. He's a bit of a job to hoist up and carry back into the house.

TominMO 01-15-2024 09:10 AM

By not heating my enclosed porch, which I did by simply keeping the kitchen door open, temp this morning in the kitchen was 54 vs 48 yesterday. Overnight temp turned out to be -1F, not +4 as they had forecast. That often happens here, the actual temp being a few degrees lower than forecast.

For the first time ever I heated the bedroom last night. Made a similar difference, about 6 degrees. Temps in the mid-50s mean no need for the thick terrycloth robe, and my fingertips are warm enough.

I am erring on the side of caution re my water pipes, and am trickling both hot and cold in the bathroom and kitchen on these ridiculously cold days. Cheaper than having a plumber come out and fix any burst pipes. Temp just inside the crawlspace door is in the high 30s, but that doesn't mean it is that warm over by the water heater and kitchen sink lines.

Thumper 01-15-2024 10:00 AM

We opened the cabinets under sinks on Friday. The half bath in the lower level gets really cold since there is no heat down there, and that wall is shared with the garage.

Do©Hawk 01-15-2024 11:30 AM

Just discovered the most dangerous part of my snowy yard riding was getting across my garage floor without slipping out.

Magician16 01-16-2024 08:01 AM

I'm in Chandler, AZ. I played in a tennis tournament Saturday in the 30's outside. My summer home in Bismarck, it was -60 wind chill.

JerryHawk250 01-16-2024 08:09 AM

Okay guys, I apologize for making fun of your cold weather. Now take back that cold sh*t you'll left on my lawn. :lmao:

I woke up to 25* temperatures with a wind chill of 14 and frickin ice everywhere. We had freezing rain and sleet come through early this morning. My truck had a nice thick layer of ice on it. I almost couldn't open the door on my truck. I also damn near busted my butt on the iced up running board. I rolled the window down to clean the ice off only to have a layer of ice still there. lol I had to bust it out just so I could see. Temperatures are still dropping. We might get above freezing sometime today but will drop into the teens tonight.

TominMO 01-16-2024 08:35 AM

How unusual is that for Louisiana?

JerryHawk250 01-16-2024 08:42 AM


Originally Posted by TominMO (Post 403652)
How unusual is that for Louisiana?

Very unusual for where I'm at. Our normal for this time of year are lows of 50 and highs of upper 60's.

Thumper 01-16-2024 10:19 AM

It rained all the way up into Buffalo AND Cleveland a few days ago! Unheard of in January! I lived in Cleveland for 5 years, and I was born in Buffalo.

Never has happened in my lifetime. Then this frigid air rolled over it and turned the upper midWest into a freezer. More normal weather.

cheesy 01-16-2024 10:24 AM

My sister sent me pictures of the airport in Shreveport yesterday. She's a Wisconsin native like me and spent almost 20 years in Cody, WY. It was nothing to her.

Having experienced the freak snow, freak show in SC, I'm glad I wasn't there. Not for the weather but for the 'End Times' show by the locals.

2LZ 01-16-2024 02:31 PM

1 Attachment(s)
The sun shined yesterday and it hit almost 53', so I got Mrs. 2LZ out to the shop (the sun shining in the roll up door was a bonus), to help me move the fleet around and do a dang good sweeping. It felt AWESOME to get out of the house and do something semi-productive. Leaves, dirt and driveway gravel were everywhere (thanks Spotty), so it was good to get all that cleaned up, at least on one side of the shop. I finally got all the float chargers hooked up also. I'm REALLY bad about that. I usually wait until they won't start anymore, then panic. That was about half the case yesterday. I can say, the '48 fired first kick!....but it's the only one that doesn't need a battery!!! Anyway, project done. Felt good.
Back indoors again today feeding the wood stove.

Sport Rider 01-16-2024 02:36 PM

all these comments are a big part of why I live in NC now. That is TOO damn cold for me up there!

@jerryhawk250, we aren't getting the cold stuff until later in the week. :)

cheesy 01-16-2024 02:57 PM

The brightest sun today since before Christmas and it actually made it to 0F. We have a few more days of this BS then it's supposed to be a balmy 32 to start next week. T-shirt weather.

buzz 01-16-2024 06:43 PM

9 here,and going to get much colder.

Sport Rider 01-17-2024 09:37 AM

ok, it was 20 here in NC this morning. high today only 41. someone from up north come take this nonsense back to where it belongs! :D

cheesy 01-17-2024 12:15 PM

22 in the sun today. Step out into the west wind, tho, and yer snot freezes.

2LZ 01-17-2024 12:21 PM

Gonna break 50' today but the clouds are sitting on the ridge. Be wet and drippy all day, no sun. Another good day to keep the stove going and serve my gainfully employed Queen. I think steak and eggs is on the breakfast menu.

2LZ 01-17-2024 12:29 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Ok....even the enemies are spoiled.....but smart.

TominMO 01-17-2024 08:46 PM

Sunny and low 40s today. Another short cold spell coming Fri and Sat, but not too bad.

2LZ 01-17-2024 10:09 PM

We finally have the next weather patterns coming in from the west and not sucking cold air out of Alaska. Rain all ya want, just no snow! I need to do some shop time and it's like working inside an icy beer can when it snows. Of course, my neighbor who snow boards and ski's wants it as cold as possible. Screw 'em! If he wants me to do his valve adjustment on his RX3, he's gotta sacrifice, right????

Do©Hawk 01-18-2024 07:24 PM

The next weather front is coming through starting tonight and continuing through Saturday. Might get interesting for a bit.

Thumper 01-18-2024 09:58 PM

Break in the weather- grilling!
2 Attachment(s)
It did warm up close to 40 degrees F for a couple of days. I got the driveway cleared off, Now tonight there is another inch of snow and temps are plummeting again :cry:


I got a stack of hamburgers and a couple of steaks grilled at peak high temp today (38F) I used some charcoal pulled from the box stove (hardwood charcoal) from emptying the ashes in the morning...YUMMM! :yay::yay::yay:

Attachment 30686
Attachment 30687

The back yard is still snowed over, so I did this with my little Weber Smoky Joe grill in the driveway :tup:

cheesy 01-19-2024 07:41 AM

We had another 1.5" of snow overnight and temps are in single digits. Another wind chill advisory for the next two nights followed by a warm up with rain. Winter has entered the "Cold grey bucket of suck" stage.

JerryHawk250 01-19-2024 07:52 AM

we got a coupe of nice days in the 60's but the bottom will drop out tonight and tomorrow night. We'll be in the low 20's. I was just starting to thaw out. lol

Sport Rider 01-19-2024 08:30 AM

Here in NC, our HIGH tomorrow is supposed to be 32. Not an ounce of precipitation though. I think I'm ready to start wintering in South Florida. Perhaps I can find a shack in the keys. :D

Mikd 01-19-2024 09:19 AM

Flew back from the keys to NY last night, first real family vacation in many years. Talk about a temperature shock, had breakfast at 80 degrees on the beach and dinner in a frozen wasteland haha. Back to reality I guess.

buzz 01-19-2024 11:01 AM

0 tonight here,letting water pipes dripping for sure.

Bruces 01-19-2024 12:07 PM

Our high today is -2f ,but it is a beautiful sunny day .Anybody want to swap ?

JerryHawk250 01-19-2024 01:04 PM


Originally Posted by Bruces (Post 403751)
Our high today is -2f ,but it is a beautiful sunny day .Anybody want to swap ?

Nope! I'm good. lol

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