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heatherbmx 08-17-2008 10:17 PM

youth quad for NEW rider safety VIP
We have been looking at a ton of quads in the 50 cc size for my just turned 5 year old lightweight daughter to learn to ride on. We would love suggestions for the safest quad maybe with a footbrake and reliable would be great too. Would appreciate any knowledge you could share thanks Heatherbmx

IronFist 08-18-2008 09:39 AM

I hope others chime in on this one. I just don't have the atv advice you need, though I think there is a speed limiter you can use to keep the RPMs low. That's all I got, sorry.

AZ200cc 08-18-2008 02:01 PM

This is the one I was going to get my six year old....Has quite a few features

AZ200cc 08-28-2008 06:51 PM

You're welcome :roll:

IronFist 08-28-2008 08:56 PM

We appreciate your imput, AZ200cc :wink:

AZ200cc 08-29-2008 03:52 PM


Originally Posted by IronFist
We appreciate your imput, AZ200cc :wink:

LOL :lol:

It just ticks me off when people only post once and get the info they want and than split. They never even bother to say thanks :x
Pretty rude.

Doug 08-29-2008 06:04 PM

The answers to Kids Quads....... I hope
OK Guys and Gals,

I am a Dealer. I fit kids all day long on these things. Several things I look for when we order for our store, and customers want.

Front and Rear brakes.
Speed Restrictor (Govenor)
Remote Control Kill / Start switch for the parents
Some want the foot brake (Rear) mostly for really little kids that can't reach the rear brake if it were a lever.
Many like a good handle bar pad incase they go forward
Many like extra good gripping bar grips.... we like the Itilian "Pro-Grips".

Here is our web site.... Hope this helps....

tigertamer 08-29-2008 07:33 PM


Originally Posted by AZ200cc

Originally Posted by IronFist
We appreciate your imput, AZ200cc :wink:

LOL :lol:

It just ticks me off when people only post once and get the info they want and than split. They never even bother to say thanks :x
Pretty rude.

Yes, my hillbilly fishing instincts are coming into play...Is it the cod or salmon scent you detect?


HUISNU 8O :?: :?: :?:

Doug 08-29-2008 08:58 PM

Why are you following me around?
Tiger Tamer? Cool Boy? Why do you call yourself this? Tell me, why are you following me around after every post I make? Why are you posting snide and sarcastic little comments about my help, or advise? If you have somthing to say positive then get it out. If you just sneak around in the shadows feeling like being a pain and rude....... Then go find a porn site.

I am here as a many year veteran, and experianced Chinese Dealer, Distributor, and designer...... offering my advise, and knowlage. I do this to help others. I thought that is what this forum is for. If you don't want my advise, or that of others, then leave.

VinceDrake 08-30-2008 02:29 PM

Mr. Doug:

I'm not a moderator, or any figure of authority whatsoever, so please feel free to completely ignore what I have to say, okay?

EDIT: Cool Boy is a post count indicator. 0-30 posts=Newbie, 30-75(?) posts=Regular, 75-150 Posts=Coolboy, etc. (Although Mr. Tamer is pretty cool.)

Some of us are very leery of dealers who appear on this site, and tend to follow the "Guilty until proven innocent" School of thought. We do have some dealers on this board, who have stood the test of time, but there have been a ton who pop up, spam the crap out of the board, and then disappear. It makes us all kind of leary.

Also, one thing that kind of turns us off is, The Forum Rules dictate that Dealers Must indicate that they are dealers in their signature line. This serves 2 purposes: A.) It lets us know who you are. B.) You get a free plug everytime you post! :D You can edit your sig to provide a web adress and a phone number so you're easy to find...

Anydangways-- That's my 2 cents. Take it mellow, and if you stand the test of time, you will earn much respect and accolades. (We get lots of 1 post wonder/dealers here...)


VinceDrake 09-12-2008 11:41 PM

Lots and Lots of 1 post Wonders. Hmm. Too bad. The "Where they're built" piccys were pretty cool.

Dear Ma and Pa...

IronFist 09-13-2008 12:33 AM

Vince Rocks! :lol:

LynnEdwards 09-13-2008 02:21 AM


Originally Posted by VinceDrake
Lots and Lots of 1 post Wonders. Hmm. Too bad. The "Where they're built" piccys were pretty cool.

Dear Ma and Pa...

Hmmm.... Perhaps there is more to this story than is available from the posts I've seen.

First, I can completely understand the suspicion toward a dealer trying to capitalize on someone else's hard work running a forum, using them as free advertizing for their own benefit. Maybe Doug went over the line on the self promotion part. Maybe other dealers have tainted the regulars here so much that no dealer will ever be welcome. But shouldn't that be the official policy then?

I bought my ATV from Doug well before he ever showed up on this forum. When I was looking for ATV's here in California quite frankly I had almost given up. To use an ATV in California it need to be approved by the California Air Resources Board (CARB), and of course most imports don't meet that requirement. It was really cool to finally find someone who actually sold CARB approved ATV's, even though it was 90 miles from my house. I drove there to look, bought one, and have been very happy since. When I crashed my ATV and needed repair parts his prices were 1/2 off the nearest web competitor, and they were in stock.

A couple weeks ago my next door neighbor (who was almost spending more time on my quad than me) bought one from Doug as well. This time when I went with him to buy it I actually met Doug. He is a heck of a nice guy. I would have no qualms recommending him or his store to anybody. This coming December, when I want to get another quad for my wife, I will certainly go back to Doug's store.

Tiger Tamer was very nice to me when I posted about my ATV crash. He is a nice guy too. That is why I am so puzzled about the animosity that has sprung up.

I hope I'm not fanning flames. It is not my intent. I've actually held off speaking up since I'm kind of new here. I'm just puzzled by the controversy. Are dealers welcome or not? Am I the only one that is wondering why the hostility?

Oh well. I've said it. And I guess I should also make it clear that I have no association with Doug other than being a repeat satisfied customer. I appreciate all comments, good and bad. I don't take things personal.

Lynn Edwards

tigertamer 09-13-2008 08:12 AM

I don't have a beef with you, Doug. You are as welcome here as any of us :wink:

Being, how you are not a one-post-wonder and have disclosed your dealership, and got a good endorsement from our members...Thanks, LynnEdwards...Feel free to take what you read here with a grain of salt.

I follow ALL posters around to see if I can help out. Some day I might even be able to help you out :!:

I guess I made a connection with the bag face, Cool Ray, tounge sticking out avatar, that made me cagey.

And now...My public apology, If you were offended by my posts. 8O

Thanks for your understanding, and patience,

VinceDrake 09-13-2008 10:54 PM


Vince Rocks!
Vince tries really hard! Thanks for noticing! :D (Vince Also Enjoys referring to himself in the 3rd person...)

I hope I'm not fanning flames. It is not my intent. I've actually held off speaking up since I'm kind of new here. I'm just puzzled by the controversy. Are dealers welcome or not? Am I the only one that is wondering why the hostility?
Well, again, keeping in mind that I am in *no* position of authority whatsoever, Here's my take on things.

China-bike dealers and "manufacturers" seem to come and go like the tide. One day they're the number 1 dealer in Arkansas, the next day there a "For Sale" sign in the Real Estate Review. There's really no great way to vet out who's the awesomest, and who's the awfullest, at least not from Saskatchewan where I am. The only thing we can go by is postings, and the validity of their advice. With only 17 posts to go by, we don't have a large amount of content to draw from.

No one ever reads the forum rules, but it does clearly state that dealers must identify themselves, I can't speak for the community, but It kind of makes me wonder when dealers don't. As well, It takes a while to get used to the way the forums run, who's who, and want to post, and what not to post. (Look up my 5th post on Welders in China, and what I got told.) It takes time and familiarity to build a reputation, and it takes time and familiarity for us to get a handle on different personalities, and how to interpret their posts.

Example: IronFist is a genuinely nice guy, and his posts should be taken at face value.

VinceDrake Still owes IronFist a favour, so he sucks up to him at every oppourtunity.

Also, to complicate the politics of things some more, As this is the Internet's number 1 China Bike resource, a long of the "wrong" kind of dealer tend to be attracted. Some of us feel that we should protect the less knowledgable from the Spammer/Scammer types.

For those who are interested, here are the 3 categories of "dealers," as near as I can figure:

Category A: Bruce. Bruse is awesome, and has donated a ton of information and knowledge to the board. You should buy him a beer.

Categtory B: abcpowersports The type of dealers come in spam the board, about 40 posts in 2 days, All of which say,"Call me! I have Parts! I'm Awesome!" get no calls, and then disappear, realizing we're not stupid.

Category C: The Defenders. This type only pops up when they're being slammed. ***COUGH, COUGH AmericanLifan, COUGH! "The Defenders" like to do something incredibly stupid, and then try to defend themselves, with no credibility, because they have never offered anything to the board, except their pitiful lame excuses as to why they do incredibly stupid things...

Now here's the politics of it! Category A, has to keep being awesome, or they get domoted, to B, or god forbid, C. Category B, desperately wants to be an A, but usually they disappear, or go bankrupt first. Category C has no hope whatsoever. C just sucks, and are completely useless.

So there it is. I personally have to major beef with Mr Doug, and hopefully he will return to get elevated from Category B to Category A.

Now if I could only figure out Non-dealer politics...


IronFist 09-14-2008 12:13 AM

That was a well thought out, and cunningly adroit post, Vince. :D

I have nothing against any member. I'm supposed to sit in the middle.

Dealers are supposed to disslose there status in their profile, and use their profile everytime they post. I see Doug's last post and there is no signature at the bottom. :(

Lynn writes, "Maybe other dealers have tainted the regulars here so much that no dealer will ever be welcome. But shouldn't that be the official policy then?"

I don't think that is so at all. I've seen some really good dealers loose their shirts; they don't post anymore, and their loss is our loss. We don't get their knowledge and parts anymore. On the other hand, I have spent my time sending Doug a PM to get him to use his signature, and he still chooses not to. Not to mention flogging parts. (Only answering posts where he can sell his goods.)

Back to the Topic:

"We would love suggestions for the safest quad maybe with a footbrake and reliable would be great too."

tigertamer 09-14-2008 04:37 AM


Originally Posted by IronFist
That was a well thought out, and cunningly adroit post, Vince. :D

Yes, quite the cunning linguist!

I believe Mr. VinceDrake is much more knowledgeable than what meets the eye :idea:

Back to the topic, I found this link...Ironic, VinceDrake has one similar...while boning up on this topic.


IronFist 09-14-2008 11:52 AM


Originally Posted by tigertamer

Originally Posted by IronFist
That was a well thought out, and cunningly adroit post, Vince. :D

Yes, quite the cunning linguist!

I believe Mr. VinceDrake is much more knowledgeable than what meets the eye :idea:

Back to the topic, I found this link...Ironic, VinceDrake has one similar...while boning up on this topic.

Tiger, Vince is an auto mechanic. He is knowledgeable. Try not to be too suspicious, that's Frosty's job, not mine. :wink: Though I do think that there is more to Vince than first suspected, I think it's a good thing. Hey Vince you should see the next CB upgrade I got planned. Oh baby. 8O .

I made the decison that it's going to be my bike for a while, and to fix it up a little.
I don't think heatherbmx is coming back for her info :(

VinceDrake 09-14-2008 01:21 PM

Gentlemen, I thank you! You do me honour! I am not worthy... :oops:

But more to the point I've had good luck with the Giovanni machines, more or less, and have assembled a bunch of them for my clients. The little 50cc Gio seems to be better built that their larger machines, some of them are going on 3 years of hard service, and still fine....

***BUT!*** (Sphinkter)

Something I've noticed with all brands of smaller atv's, ZMC, Zstar, and GIO, They all suffer from *rank* toe change under compression! i.e. If you set the toe to 1/8" unloaded, with a 200lb bum on it, it will measure up to 7/8!" For a small, cautious rider, this is not a huge deal, as the front suspension never sinks that far under normal riding, However, If you, or a larger kid is going to play on it, it makes them steer like a drunken camel, with a busted toe! Also, jumping with a heavier rider is dangerous, as you never really know where they are going to land, if you know what I mean?

As well, Avoid the 49cc 2 stroke machines. They're Crap. All Makes, all Models. I personally have never seen one go more than a month without either barfing the clutch, or murdering the piston/cylendar. Yup, they're super cheap, but just not up to the task. At all. Pain in the arse recoil starting, poor performance, Smells bad. Maybe that engine would be good on a weed wacker, or chainsaw, but not on a low-speed high-torque application, like an ATV...

Incidentally, the bushings in the front suspensions of all the units we've worked on are crapilicious. So as time goes on, even without damage, the wheel alignment changes pretty dramatically. Not a failure, just something that has be adjusted regularly, to keep them steering halfways decent.

But really, (This is going to make me really popular!) Usually, I've found the failure is not with the machine, usually it's with the parent/child. These things have a speed governor for a reason! I mean, the ZMC 50cc with do 30mph with My 255lb but on it! Also, Kids don't like to tell you when something is broken, or not right with the machine! They want to ride, not fix! Serveral times at the shop, we get a real bent one in, Little Johnny took a tumble, and Daddy says, "He took a tumble, and said the brakes went out and he wiped out!" Well, you look, and there's no brake pads, or fluid left, Neither happened overnight. Just poor maintenance.

Stay on top of them, and really I think they're just fine.

So there's something for Heather to read, if she ever comes back. :D I personally wouldn't worry about a foot brake too much... A better option would be to move up to a 110 with front and rear brakes. As the kidlies get older, a single rear disk, just isn't enough-- IMHO, YMMV, ILP, etc.


tigertamer 09-14-2008 01:49 PM

I'm not that cagey 8)

I'm not suspicious of VincDrake, He is one of my best friends could probably guess the others.

You might have noticed that on occasion I like to bump a thread with a chime of humor, That's how I like to do things :wink:

And I do strike the occasional controversy, but that keeps everyone on their toes, so to speak.

And I agree that heatherbmx may have already found her answers.


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