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Old 01-03-2021, 10:41 AM   #14
China Rider 27   China Rider 27 is offline
Join Date: Dec 2018
Location: PNW
Posts: 983
The best indicator of an engines running condition is the plug. If it is lean the plug should give you an indication. Then the question becomes is it lean at idle, half throttle, or full throttle? When you own one of these carbureted China bikes there is no way to get around being a carb tuner sooner or later. I mean you may avoid it for a good long while but eventually you will need to tune or get someone to tune for you. Might as well dive in and learn to tune. To me starting with the stock carb is the perfect cheap way to begin. You have to tune a new carb too, so you might as well get some experience with the stock carb with which you are familiar, especially since it is running well it should need only small tweeks.

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