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Old 03-01-2023, 10:18 AM   #1
Magician16   Magician16 is offline
Join Date: Aug 2019
Posts: 469
Tennis vs Pickleball Wars

I have played tennis since I was 16, so that's over 50 years. I still play competitively, but I'm probably down to a 3.5 level now. I picked up pickleball about 4 years ago and am advancing to where I'm at a higher level in pickleball than tennis. I personally believe there's room for both and both games are getting more players.

The problems arise because pickleball players simply want tennis to go away. I am a snowbird and live in an HOA in the winter. The leaders of the pickleball club are toxic people and will do anything possible to piss tennis players off. One of them is now on the HOA board and another is now Chairman of the Rules Compliance. I have tried to be nice to these two, but I've had it.

It's like Pickleball clubs have developed a strategic plan to displace tennis wherever. In several HOA's around here, they have basically run the tennis players out by being nasty. I played in a pickleball tournament this weekend, and this one pair was bragging about how they had just about run tennis out of their HOA. My partner and I kicked their asses.

How does a person deal with these toxic assholes. I just want to play both sports and have fun. I didn't move in here to be at war.
2018 Bashan Storm(sold)

2016 Magician 250

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