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Old 11-05-2023, 05:50 PM   #23
Bill Hilly   Bill Hilly is online now
Join Date: Feb 2021
Posts: 994
Originally Posted by bigdano711 View Post
You may have to change the quality setting on YouTube before you play it. Mine defaulted to 360P, which is crappy. As soon as I switched to 1080P, man, very nice!
I recorded some today in blocks of 5 minutes, I used the corded microphone, and got absolutely no wind noise. I put the mic down inside my jacket between my tee shirt, and sweat shirt. The motor is most of what you can hear. It did not pick my voice up real good. I have been recording in 1080P at 30 frame per second. I have the very first video that I made after getting the camera in the old laptop now, and one of the 5 minute videos I took today on this phone trying to upload both on YouTube, but on different profiles. I think I will make a fuzzy type thing for my mic, like I seen a guy on YouTube using, and try that next. I also went with a chin mount, but didn't have the camera pointed up quite far enough, even though I thought I did when I sat it up using my phone,and it linked through WiFi. It's new to me, and enjoyable, but I need to get a better way to upload.

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