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Old 01-24-2009, 07:16 PM   #61
warrior91   warrior91 is offline
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Originally Posted by suprf1y
What we need is less taxes, less government oversight, smaller government.
I could not have said it better myself.
You must be as disappointed as I am, paying as much as we do, supporting such a huge bureaucracy, and still getting nothing for our money. The best thing for this country would be a huge reduction in both gov, and taxes.
Ditto for Canada
'91 Yamaha Warrior- stage 2
'83 Honda ATC 70
'08 Yongjiang 125cc mx (Loncin)
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Old 01-24-2009, 07:20 PM   #62
Alaskan-Dad   Alaskan-Dad is offline
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Originally Posted by suprf1y
What we need is less taxes, less government oversight, smaller government.
I could not have said it better myself.
You must be as disappointed as I am, paying as much as we do, supporting such a huge bureaucracy, and still getting nothing for our money. The best thing for this country would be a huge reduction in both gov, and taxes.
OK by me, but only if we can get rid of banks, lawyers and the stock market too!
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Old 01-24-2009, 07:22 PM   #63
suprf1y   suprf1y is offline
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Originally Posted by warrior91
Ditto for Canada
And I thought Ontario was in Canada...

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Old 01-24-2009, 07:45 PM   #64
warrior91   warrior91 is offline
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LOL technically....Ont and Que are the source of our problems...the rest of us are just along for the ride...
'91 Yamaha Warrior- stage 2
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Old 01-24-2009, 08:50 PM   #65
IronFist   IronFist is offline
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Originally Posted by suprf1y
What we need is less taxes, less government oversight, smaller government.
I could not have said it better myself.
You must be as disappointed as I am, paying as much as we do, supporting such a huge bureaucracy, and still getting nothing for our money. The best thing for this country would be a huge reduction in both gov, and taxes.
I was being facetious :x

I think you missed this part.
Big business obviously has our best interests covered.
Less tax and more tainted meat.
But don't go to the hospital, unless you're rich. (fat chance)
Or get well and bankrupt your family.

How about no government and no tax. We can eat our nice fresh neighbors. No refrigeration required. No government, no rules, no society, no gas or bikes, no electricity, no flushing or fresh water. Mass murder and anarchy. Wooooo Hoooooo Maybe it's time to hit Canadian Tire Ammo dept. AM Gunna go eat me a neighbor!

Maybe I'm the only one who wouldn't want that kind of society. I signed a social contract. Tommas Hobbs. Pre declaration of independance. "The right for me to swing my fist stops at your nose." That's not only the law presently, that's the moral code, that people who live in society, give up certain rights, in order to gain other freedoms. Do I care if my neighbor smokes pot, or drinks a beer in his home, NO. Because his right to do what he wants, doesn't effect my rights and freedoms.

Democracy does not work. Just that it works better than any other form of government tried so far. Yes, living under Ontario's jack boot is terrible. But it ain't North Korea. I have the right to post that I don't like my leader, and I'm reasonably sure I'll wake up safe in my bed tomorrow morning. And since I don't have kids, I can go sit in the car and smoke. I don't have to prey 5 time a day, and I won't be shot for not attending Canada Day. It's a clean, fresh new city, with comparitively low crime, high prosperity. It's not a bad place to live and raise kids if you're a office worker. The taxes are high, and so is the standard of living. We only have 2 real slum parts in the city, where most people own a house and a car and a garden. Most cities would love to have our slums. I've walk through both of them at 3 in the morning with a $1000 guitar and never had a problem. I'm in no hurry to leave Toronto or Ontario.
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Old 01-24-2009, 10:10 PM   #66
frostbite   frostbite is offline
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Just my 2 cents, but I also think we pay too many taxes and have too much government. However, I'm willing to live with fewer services to compensate. You have to 'pay to play', so to speak.

I see people constantly pushing for University and Day Care on the government dime; kids living 1-2km from a school and being bussed; endless government committees that get little to nothing accomplished (Air India anyone?); official bilingualism; government departments in Quebec fining businesses for having too much English on their signs;

In Canada, there is too little personal responsibility and too many hands out to the government (i.e. the taxpayer) to take care of business. I've never drawn unemployment in my life (neither has my father, or grandfathers...) but know individuals who draw it annually like clockwork (here's a hint, if you're career only allows you to draw income 3 months a year and you can't survive on that, find another one).

The Conservatives have a saying, "A dollar in the taxpayers hand is better than a dollar in the hand of government". I firmly believe that.

"The beatings will continue until moral improves"

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Old 01-24-2009, 10:21 PM   #67
warrior91   warrior91 is offline
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I am all for a gov't and services, but it seems to me there are more and more gov't jobs and less and less money for the actual programs as more money is spent on administration than service!
'91 Yamaha Warrior- stage 2
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'08 Yongjiang 125cc mx (Loncin)
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Old 01-24-2009, 11:04 PM   #68
IronFist   IronFist is offline
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Well Bozz I gots no problems wit dat.
Canadians are over taxed. I won't explain all of it to our brothers down south, they'd shoot me for living here. Safely said, we pay way more taxes than they do, agreed?

That being said, I don't think our bailout dollars should go to reducing taxes, at this time. Though taxes should be reduced, our 12-20 billion bailout is being shelled out to protect the economy. Yes reducing taxes will help the economy, I'm not saying it won't. I'm saying that people smarter than I have stated that spending that money on infrastructure will create more jobs and bring us through the ressession faster, and in a better situation than if the money was spent on reducing taxes.

When a rich oil barron says trickle down ecconomics works, I don't beleve him, but I understand where he's coming from. When a factory worker says trickledown ecconimics works, it make me want to yell at him.

The Dragons were asked how to spend the bailout money. The Zero business and corperate tax idea got 1/4 of the money. I can really see cutting small business taxes. That makes sence and cents, and starts new jobs. Tripple wammy. The rest of the money went to infrastructure in a way. Green infrastructure. Doesn't mean building total tree hugging buildings. But why not use cold Lake Ontario water to cool the building instead of refridgeration. Lots of buildings downtown already do this. It's cheaper!

If people are building the bridges, roads, and buildings with the bailout money then people have jobs. If they have jobs then they are buying food and paying rent and are able to pay taxes. No jobs=No taxes. Fine if you're a Saudi Prince, but you still gotta prey 5 times a day.

Warrior "more money is spent on administration than service!"
Man you said it brother. On that I fully agree. If they want to save money, they could work a heck of a lot smarter. It all would cost half as much. I don't want to give up the services I get, I want to pay less for them.

Then legalize pot and tax it like only a Canadian Government can. To the enth degree.
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Old 01-25-2009, 02:43 AM   #69
Alaskan-Dad   Alaskan-Dad is offline
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Perspective by Tim King Salem-News.com

Does Obama Have Control of the DEA?

The group Americans for Safe Access reports that on Thursday, the Drug Enforcement Administration, still mostly comprised of officials from the Bush Administration, raided a medical cannabis dispensary in South Lake Tahoe, California.

"They did so knowing full well that President Obama has repeatedly pledged to end federal threats, arrests, and prosecutions of patients and their providers in medical cannabis states," the ASA's George Pappas said.
he DEA is defying President Barack Obama's word that the Department of Justice would no longer be used to harrass and arrest owners and operators of medical marijuana dispensaries.

"I would not have the Justice Department prosecuting and raiding medical marijuana dispensaries; it is not a good use of our resources," then Presidential Contender Obama said, on August 21st 2007.
Salem-News Link
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Old 01-25-2009, 10:22 AM   #70
IronFist   IronFist is offline
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Interesting article Dad.

It's likely that Obama didn't know about the raid and it was done with very little oversight. The interesting part will be what happens to the arrested persons. Also, I'd wonder when/if the next raid happens. He has stated his intentions and the directon he's choosing. Will he lift a presidential finger?
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Old 01-25-2009, 03:36 PM   #71
warrior91   warrior91 is offline
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I wonder how much bailout money will go to prop up multi million dollar wages of CEO's...
If you are paying one man( or a suite full of suits and yes men) Multi millions of dollars and he actually isn't producing any products...how smart of business plan is that...and do these people "companies" need bailed out?

If the gov't is going to give millions to each big company...then mabey they should check on how many million that company paid in legal fees, ceo wages, and trips, perks, benefits that only reach .01% of company "employees".

'91 Yamaha Warrior- stage 2
'83 Honda ATC 70
'08 Yongjiang 125cc mx (Loncin)
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Old 01-25-2009, 05:08 PM   #72
IronFist   IronFist is offline
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Well the word is that Canada is putting 2 billion from next budjet into SOCIAL housing. Not what I hoped. The building jobs will be good for the economy, but social housing is light years from"for profit low rent housing." Social housing usually has long term negitive results. Oh well, they didn't ask me what I thought anyway. :?
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Old 01-26-2009, 12:32 PM   #73
chinariderinthesky   chinariderinthesky is offline
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in my hometown of barstow, california, a good majority of the rental housing is govt' housing. its just a cheap slum and i don't believe that "fixed income housing" is a good way to "fix" the poverty-stricken's money woes. how about raising the minimum wage to more than 7.75/hr? here in idaho, i think its something like $6/hr! i can't imagine being a single parent with a min wage job trying to feed/clothe/medicate/ transport/pay rent/utilities/etc on a $700/a month budget. and lowering the inflation rate would be nice. maybe a little delfation....

ironfist, thanks for letting a brother smoke a bowl in peace without dropping a dime for smelling something "skunky" :wink:

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Old 01-26-2009, 01:44 PM   #74
IronFist   IronFist is offline
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Here, the rental housing is for profit, and works pretty well. Wealthy people buy a few homes and rent them out. They are so spread out over the city that the lower income tenants become a part of various communities.

Social housing is usually put in 1 spot, grouping 1000's of low income tennants together. Social, housing is run at a loss, in rundown highrises. I've painted welfare housing, it aint pretty.

A while ago co op housing was all but shutdown. (Mike Harris.) At the co ops you pay 1/3 of your pay to the building. Regardless of amount, and all tenants must be working. These co ops are right downtown. They are clean, safe, well maintained and still run a surplus. These buildings work better than any system I've seen.

Toronto has lots of addresses for $4000 a month to rent or own. But at under $1000 a month there is very little. All new highrise buildings are built with multi room and multi floor suites. Small 1 bedroom starter apartments under $1000 a month are very rare. Toronto could fill 20,000 low end apartments very quickly.

ironfist, thanks for letting a brother smoke a bowl in peace without dropping a dime for smelling something "skunky"

I'm not a drop a dime kind a guy
I'm with Tommas Hobbs. He was from England. The Americans used his ideas to draft the declaration of independance. I believe he was ahead of his time. "The right for you to swing your fist stops at my nose."

Or Our Ex Prime minister,
"The government has no right in the bedrooms of the people. What consenting adults do behind locked doors is no conscern of this government."

But then again he had to say that. It was well known at the time that his wife and Mick Jagger were partying pretty hard behind closed doors at the time.
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Old 01-26-2009, 02:22 PM   #75
chinariderinthesky   chinariderinthesky is offline
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if i were the PM of "canukida" and my wife was bangin a superstar... man, that would be embarassing.

so, "social housing" is a politically correct way of saying GHETTO!!!! stuff all of the poor, tired and hungry all in a 4-block radius in the most run down parts of town. now, thats giving somone a chance! i have never heard of co-op housing and it still doesn't make sence. elaborate a little for me please.

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